
Galaxy S7 edge “Whatsapp error – Verify your contact number” error, other app issues

Apps are the lifeblood of any smartphone. For most people, apps can even make or break their day. In this #GalaxyS7 post, we try to address some app issues that were reported to us. Hopefully, you’ll find our solutions helpful.

If you are looking for solutions to your own #Android issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page.

When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.

Below are specific topics we’re bringing for you today:

Problem 1: Galaxy S7 edge “Whatsapp error – Verify your contact number” error

Hi. I’ve had my Samsung S7 Edge for about 4 months before and today all of a sudden WhatsApp keeps crashing. It basically stops working and a message pops up “Whatsapp error – Verify your contact number” When I try and open whatsapp it presents with a “Restore Chat History” option giving me the option to restore from my local back up. It has happened about 6 times today. Once I restore, it will work for about 15 – 30 minutes and crashes again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! — Mayuranathan

Solution: Hi Mayuranathan. Apps can fail for a lot of reasons and most of these reasons are beyond a users ability to fix. Let’s discuss each of the possible troubleshooting steps that you can do briefly.

Wipe the cache and data

If you didn’t do anything different prior to noticing this problem, it’s likely a bug issue so the first thing that you want to do is to wipe the cache and data. Here’s how:

  1. When using the default email app I can’t get my hotmail account added.  Every configuration that I’ve tried ends up with a long spinning message saying “checking incoming server settings…”.  I’ve added my gmail, corp, and Pop (frontier) account with no problems but the hotmail one seems to be the lame on.  I assume I need to get this added before the calander app CAL will see and manage this shared calander for me? Open Low Feedback Widget No company Salmon8rOpen the Settings menu either through your notification shade (drop-down) or through the Settings app in your app drawer.
  2. Navigate down to “Apps”. This may be renamed to something like Applications or Application Manager in OEM skinned versions of Android 6 or 7.
  3. Once in there, look for the application and tap it.
  4. You’ll now see a list of stuff that gives you information about the app, including Storage, Permissions, Memory Use, and more. These are all clickable items. You’ll want to click on Storage.
  5. You should now clearly see the Clear Cache and Clear Data buttons for the application. Try to do the clear cache option first and see what happens. If the problem remains, proceed with clear data option.

Install app and Android updates

Sometimes, app-specific bugs are fixed by patches released by developers. Make sure that ALL yours apps are running the latest version by installing updates. You should do this for all your apps to minimize the chance of another app causing a mess with the OS or with others. To ensure that your device automatically install updates, be sure to set the Play Store app to do so by going under its settings. If it’s not set that way at this time, you can also hit the UPDATE ALL option to download all available updates for everything.

Aside from updating your apps, you also want to ensure that your operating system is up-to-date so be sure to check under Settings>About device for Android updates.

Boot to safe mode and observe

Should the problem continue after wiping WhatsApp’s cache and data and installing updates, the next good thing to do is to see if another app is causing this erratic behavior. You can do that by booting the phone to safe mode. Here’s how:

  1. Turn your Galaxy S7 off.
  2. Press and hold the Power button.
  3. Once the ‘Samsung Galaxy S7’ logo appears, release the Power key and immediately press and hold the Volume Down button.
  4. Continue holding the button until the phone finishes rebooting.
  5. Once you see the text “Safe mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen, release the Volume Down button.

While in safe mode, third party apps and services will be prevented from running. If the problem won’t occur, it means that one of these apps is causing the problem. To fix that, you must uninstall apps one by one, until the problem is eliminated. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to identify what the problem is so you should observe how Whatsapp works after every uninstall.

Wipe the phone with factory reset

Another good troubleshooting step to do in this case is factory reset. This potential solution covers a lot of bases including the possibility of an operating system bug. If you haven’t tried it yet, here are the steps:

  1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy S7.
  2. Press and then hold the Home and Volume UP keys, then press and hold the Power key.
  3. When the Samsung Galaxy S7 shows on the screen, release the Power key but continue holding the Home and Volume Up keys.
  4. When the Android logo shows, you may release both keys and leave the phone be for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  5. Using the Volume Down key, navigate through the options and highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  6. Once highlighted, you may press the Power key to select it.
  7. Now highlight the option Yes — delete all user data using the Volume Down key and press the Power button to select it.
  8. Wait until your phone is finished doing the Master Reset. Once completed, highlight ‘Reboot system now’ and press the Power key.
  9. The phone will now reboot longer than usual.

Once the phone has been factory reset and set up again, reinstall Whatsapp again and see what happens. Make sure that you only install Whatsapp at this time. If the problem remains even when there are no other apps installed, you’ll need to contact the developer.

Contact the developer

As mentioned above, a lot of things that causes an app to fail happens under the hood so they are usually unfixable by an end user like you. If all the steps above won’t solve the issue, there must be a coding error that causes it to fail in your phone. Be sure to let the developer know of the problem by going to ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section of Whatsapp’s Play Store download page.

Problem 2: Galaxy S7 Calendar events won’t sync, new events won’t show up

I have just recently purchased an S7 Galaxy. when I go to put in a new event on my calendar, I get the new event created confirmation. I cannot see the new event on my calendar or when I do a search. However, if I create  a new event on my computer, it will show up on my S7. This just started today. last week when I got the phone I could enter events into the calendar and they showed up no problem. — Don

Solution: Hi Don. There may be a Calendar app bug causing this problem so you want to make sure that you wipe the app’s cache and data first. Kindly refer to the steps we provide above. Make sure that you try to wipe the app’s cache first. If it won’t fix the problem, you can then wipe it’s data. Keep in mind that if your S7 Calendar app is not syncing properly, wiping its data may delete unsaved or new events you’ve created. Be sure to back everything up using Smart Switch to avoid losing anything.

If wiping the app’s cache and data won’t help at all, the next thing that you want to do is to ensure that the app is indeed syncing correctly by going under Settings>Accounts>Samsung account. Once you’re in the section that let’s you choose an account, pick the one with the problem (if you have multiple accounts) and tap Sync Calendar option. Be sure that you see the sync icon turn clockwise. This indicates that your device is syncing the local data to the cloud. Afterwards, the device should tell you under the Sync Calendar option if syncing worked.

Problem 3: Moving files from old phone to Galaxy S7 using Smart Switch

Samsung Link came with my Galaxy S5. It did not come with the S7 Edge. I have tried finding the app on the Google Play Store and on the Samsung essential site and it does not seem to exist. Is it still available or is it no longer offered? When I transferred data from the old phone to the new phone the app did not transfer. Should I try to get it from the S5 or should I just give it up? If it no longer exists is their a program that would serve the same purpose would you recommend one in particular. Thanks. — Rick Keyser

Solution: Hi Rick. Samsung Link has been discontinued so if you want to move files from your old phone to your S7, we suggest that you use the latest transfer tool from Samsung called Smart Switch. For details on how to use it, you can visit this page: How to create backup from Samsung device to your computer via Smart Switch. Smart Switch allows direct transfer of files between mobiles too so be sure to explore its capabilities to enjoy using it.

Problem 4: Galaxy S7 can’t add Hotmail account to default email app

When using the default email app I can’t get my hotmail account added.  Every configuration that I’ve tried ends up with a long spinning message saying “checking incoming server settings…”.  I’ve added my gmail, corp, and Pop (frontier) account with no problems but the hotmail one seems to be the lame on.  I assume I need to get this added before the calander app CAL will see and manage this shared calander for me? — Salmon8r

Solution: Hi Salmon8r. If you can access your Hotmail account fine in your phone’s browser, that is you can sign in to it, the problem is likely caused by your account’s security protection. Make sure that you disable all security layers of your Hotmail account before adding it again in your email app. For example, if you enabled 2-step verification, you can follow these steps to turn it off:

  1. Go to the Security basics page, and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  2. Select more security options.
  3. Under Two-step verification, choose Set up two-step verification to turn it on, or choose Turn off two-step verification to turn it off.
  4. Follow the instructions.


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