How To Fix Discord Can’t Send Messages | NEW in 2024

Discord has hundreds of millions of users every day and with that scale of people using its services, it’s unavoidable that some may encounter problems. One of the common problems that many people encounter with Discord is the “sending messages to this channel has temporarily been disabled” error message that may occur while in a chat room. If you’re having an issue with Discord and it can’t seem to send messages at all, here’s an article for you.

How to fix Discord can’t send messages?

For most people, sending messages in Discord, either in the form of Direct Messages or in a chat room or channel is as simple as it can get. However, if you’re getting the “sending messages to this channel has temporarily been disabled” error message and you have difficulty sending messages, learn what you can do to fix it below:

Fix #1: Restart the Discord app.

Refreshing the Discord app should be the first thing that you want to do whether you’re having this bug in your Discord mobile app or PC desktop app. 

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If you’re on a PC and using the Discord client, we recommend that you close the software using the Task Manager. 

Fix #2: Verify for Discord server side issues.

For a lot of people, the main reason why your Discord app may be unable to send messages can be server-related. Like any online service out there, Discord servers may sometimes go down due to glitches, technical issues, or maintenance. 

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To check the status of the Discord server status, visit the official website here:

Fix #3: Troubleshoot your internet connection.

If there’s no known server problems at the moment, the next likely reason for your problem is your internet connection at home. Network bugs, slow internet connection, signal interference, or intermittent connection issues are some of the usual reasons why Discord is unable to send messages or not working properly.

Below are the troubleshooting steps that you can do:

Power cycle your network equipment.

Rebooting your modem, router, or any other network devices can fix network bugs. Make sure that you turn off your device and unplug it from the power outlet for 30 seconds. 

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This is going to clear the memory of the device and hopefully help in clearing any network bug that may have developed.

Check your internet connection speed.

Slow internet connection may also lead to Discord performance issues. If nothing has changed after a network power cycle, the next thing that you can do is to see whether you have a slow internet problem. 

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To do that, you need to run a speed test on the device you’re having an issue with Discord. Although Discord is not as demanding as other online apps in terms of bandwidth use, you still want to have at least 5 Mbps of download and upload speed, especially if you’re using it for voice or video chat.

If you noticed that Discord is having an issue accepting direct messages, or if it’s struggling to send messages, try improving your internet connection speed at home.

You may want to get the help of your Internet Service Provider for this.

Fix #4: Use a different DNS server.

One other possible reason why Discord may be unable to send or accept messages is a DNS server issue. 

To check if that’s the case, you can try to change the primary and secondary DNS servers on your device to that of Google.

ALSO READ: How To Change DNS Server On Windows 10

Fix #5: Try using mobile data.

If you’re having an issue with Discord on your mobile, you can try to switch to a different connection type to see if that will help. For instance, if the problem seems to occur when your phone is connected to wifi, try to switch the wifi on your device and switch to mobile data and vice versa.

Fix #6: Use another server region

By default, Discord will automatically choose the optimum server for you. However, Discord servers may sometimes go down in certain areas, which can then lead to issues. 

You can try to use another server to see if that will help. 

Keep in mind that changing the server region on Discord is only available for voice channels and not for text channels. If you’re having a problem receiving voice messages, or if you seem to be having an issue with your voice chats, follow these steps to change the voice channel server region:
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  1. Open Discord.
  2. Select the server you’re having a problem with and click on the cog icon in your voice channel.
  3. In the Overview tab, scroll down to REGION OVERRIDE and select your preferred region.
  4. Click on Save Changes button at the bottom.


Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos and tutorials.

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