Clear Steam Download Cache To Make App Run Faster

One of the basic troubleshooting steps if you encounter a problem with a Steam game is to clear the Steam download cache. This is also helpful if the Steam client itself is lagging or opens slow. 

Some Steam gamers find clearing the download cache useful in fixing games that do not work properly. If you seem to be having a problem loading up a game, make sure to follow this guide.

Deleting the temporary files or download cache  of your Steam client can sometimes fix certain issues. If you are experiencing some performance problems with Steam or with any of your Steam games, clearing the download cache may help.
Keep in mind that any mods for your games will also be deleted when you clear the download cache. This is because mods are kept as part of the download cache in Steam. Make sure to move your mods somewhere else before deleting the cache. Otherwise, you’ll have to download and re-install them after clearing the download cache. 
Once you’re ready, follow the steps below on how to clear your Steam download cache.

Clearing Steam download cache

That’s basically it! After clearing the download cache, the Steam client will restart so you’ll have to sign back in using your username and password.

If deleting the download cache won’t help fix your issue, consider doing other Steam troubleshooting steps like restarting Steam client or your computer. In some cases, you may find re-installing the game or Steam client helpful. 

Other Steam Troubleshooting resources

Below are the other articles that you may find useful in fixing your particular Steam problem:

Suggested readings:

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