How To Fix Xbox One Won’t Install Games | Installation Stopped Error
Some Xbox One users may find that their console won’t install games no matter what they do. Fortunately, this issue can be fixed easily if you know what’s causing it. This article will walk you through the solutions on how to fix this problem.
Causes why your Xbox One may not install games
There are a number of factors that you must check in order to identify the reason for the problem. Let’s check each one below.
Interrupted installation.
Your Xbox One may stop installing a game or app if the system lets a new update to be installed. This can happen from time to time, especially if there’s coincidental updates for games or software at the same time. This can also occur if you haven’t connected the console to the internet for some time and updates are getting pushed to it at the same time during installation.
Corrupted local saved game.
Another reason why your Xbox One may stop game installation is when it detects a corrupted saved game. Outdated saved versions of games may also prevent installation from time to time.
Random console bug.
Installations may be stopped due to unexplained console bugs. This can happen randomly depending on the condition of the software. In most cases, a random bug goes away by rebooting the system.
Game disc problem.
Your Xbox One may sometimes initially start a game installation but would eventually stop if it can’t take the needed data because it can’t fully read the disc. Be sure to check the game disc for any scratches or crack. Only use a game disc that’s cleaned properly and has no obvious sign of damage. Keep in mind that your console may continue to read your game disc even if there’s scratches on it. However, if it reads or installs other game discs just fine except the one you’re having an issue with, you may have game disc issue. Try replacing the disc with a new one.
If your Xbox One can’t read any game disc, you’ll need to follow a different set of troubleshooting steps.
Troubleshooting an Xbox One that won’t install games
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