How To Fix Nintendo Switch 2168-0002 Error | NEW & Updated in 2025

Are you getting the 2168-0002 error on your Nintendo Switch? In this article, we’ll explain to you what this error means and what you can do to fix it.

What is 2168-0002 error code?

Error code 2168-0002 is one of the frustrating errors that can happen on a  Nintendo Switch. For many of the players who experience this problem, it is the direct result of an outdated console firmware although some people also claimed to have fixed it by dealing with their network settings as well. 

As far as Nintendo is concerned, this error is largely a system software problem, with some cases so severe that a console repair may be required.

I personally come across this error code when playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Other players have reported to have encountered the same exact error on other games such as Animal Crossing and Mario franchises. If you want to know more about this error code and on how to fix it, read on.

Causes of 2168-0002 error code on Nintendo Switch 

There are a handful of known reasons for error code 2168-0002. Let’s discuss each of them briefly below.

Random game bug.

If you only got the error code 2168-0002 once and are yet to experience it again, it’s likely just a randomly triggered issue. No games or consoles are perfect and sometimes, random issues may occur. This is not unheard of in the world of gaming. To lessen the chances of bugs, you want to ensure that you keep everything updated on your Nintendo Switch.

Outdated firmware.

If you are fond of using your Nintendo Switch on the move, you might forget to update it via the Internet from time to time. This is what happened to me when I let my console go without an update for a few months. I used by Nintendo Switch while travelling to play Zelda and it went on without being connected to the internet for a long time. 

Offline games can work fine normally majority of the time without needing an update but others may require the latest update after some time.

Incorrect network settings.

For some players, the main trigger for error code 2168-0002 can be the wifi network their Nintendo Switch is connected to. This means that the bug within the wifi connection causes the error on the console for some reason. To identify if this is the reason for your problem, you can try connecting your Nintendo Switch to another wifi network.

Unknown hardware or software issue.

Certain players may find out that the 2168-0002 error code they’re experiencing is a sign of something more serious than an outdated system software or a game bug. 2168-0002 error can also be an issue with your Nintendo Switch console due to an unfixable software glitch, or a hardware malfunction. While Nintendo does not have any official statement what might be the cause for any of such cases, they are advising players to contact them directly so their console can be fixed.

How to fix Nintendo Switch 2168-0002 error?

Fixing error code 2168-0002 is typically easy. In many cases, a simple console reboot or a system update is enough to get rid of the problem. Below are the complete list of known solutions for this issue.

Fix #1: Perform a full power cycle.

Doing a power cycle on your Nintendo Switch not only refreshes the system but can also potentially fix any lingering bugs. Nintendo recommends that the first solution that you must try is the following steps:

  1. Press and hold the Power button on your Nintendo Switch for 3 seconds.
  2. Once the Power menu comes up, select Power Options.
  3. Select Restart.

Restarting your console this way should help in case error code 2168-0002 is due to a minor game bug. 

If you find out that your Nitnendo Switch has become unresponsive, frozen, or not responding to any presses, you can alternatively force it to reboot by pressing and holding the power button for 12 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Doing so will force the system to turn off and restart.

Fix #2: Install the latest system update.

Should a power cycle won’t help, your next move is to ensure that you connect your Switch to the internet and update it. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Home menu.
  2. Select System Settings (gear icon at the bottom).
  3. Select System.
  4. Select System Update, to start the system update process.
  5. Allow the console to check for updates. If an update is available, make sure that allow it to download and install the system update.

Fix #3: Check for game updates.

If you seem to be only having this error code when playing a particular game like me, which is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, make sure that you also update the game. Follow these steps if you don’t know how:

  1. Ensure that your Nintendo Switch is connected to the internet.
  2. Go to the Home menu.
  3. Find the game tile, make sure that it’s highlighted, and press either the minus (-) or plus (+) buttons on the controller.
  4. Select Software update.
  5. Select Via the Internet.

Fix #4: Update your controller firmware.

Some users fixed the error code by updating their controller firmware. If you happen to be using a new third party or a Nintendo controller, make sure that the said accessory is running the latest available firmware for it. 

Learn: How To Update Nintendo Switch Controller

Fix #5: Get help from Nintendo.

If you are one of the unlucky few to be experiencing this error code and none of the solutions in this guide has fixed it, you can assume that you have either an unfixable software issue, or a malfunctioning hardware. Any of these situations require repair so you’ll have to call Nintendo support.


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