Galaxy S20 No 4G LTE signal [Easy Fixes]
In addition to 4G LTE, Samsung’s latest Galaxy flagship devices are already 5G capable. In fact, these are the first major family of smartphones to incorporate 5G signal depending on the service provider or region. The fact that 5G isn’t yet available in all countries, many would opt (or will have no choice but) to use 4G LTE networks. If ever you encounter an issue with your galaxy s20‘s 4G LTE signal, I’ve mapped out a few solutions for you to try. Here’s a quick guide on how to deal with signal issues, particularly no 4G LTE signal on your galaxy s20.
Before you proceed, verify and ensure that your account standing is good and your services status are active. Note that no cellular signal issues can also be attributed to some problem with your account, including unsettled balances. If everything is good with your account and you are certain that the place you’re in has 4G LTE signal available but still couldn’t get a 4g LTE signal to work on your galaxy s20, then you can go ahead and eliminate software-related triggers with these subsequent methods.
Fixing Galaxy S20 problem on No 4G LTE signal
Still got no 4G LTE signal on your Galaxy S20?
Contact your network service provider to escalate the problem if none of the above solutions is able to fix it. There might be some ongoing technical issues in your area that are affecting network services, particularly 4g LTE signals.
If tech support isn’t available, then you may opt to troubleshoot further and try carrying out more advanced solutions including a factory reset or master reset. This should help fix the problem if complex system errors are the underlying cause. Just don’t forget to back up all critical information beforehand because failure to do so would result in permanent data loss.
And that covers everything in this troubleshooting guide. Please keep posted for more comprehensive troubleshooting guides and tutorials that would help you make the most of what the new Samsung galaxy s20 has to offer.
You can also check out our YouTube channel to view more smartphone video tutorials and troubleshooting guides.
ALSO READ: How to fix Galaxy S20 Bluetooth issues, pairing errors