How To Fix Black Ops Cold War 0xc0000005 Error | NEW in 2025

We’ve been getting reports about many Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War players getting the 0xc0000005 error. If you happen to encounter the error in your PC, check out this troubleshooting guide to know what to do.

How to fix Black Ops Cold War 0xc0000005 error?

0xc0000005 (0x0) N error is one of the errors that a number of Call Of Duty players have reported since last year. This bug can occur due to a number of reasons but the commonly identified ones include one of the following:

  • damaged or corrupted files
  • outdated drivers
  • outdated Windows software
  • DirectX issue
  • defective hardware

Below are the troubleshooting and solutions that you can try to fix the Black Ops Cold War 0xc0000005 error.

Solution #1: Restart the game.

Some players who encountered the 0xc0000005 error when playing the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War claim that a quick restart or PC reboot fixes this bug. Make sure to try to restart the game first and check for the error. If nothing changes, you can then go ahead and reboot the PC entirely.

Solution #2: Repair the game files.

For many players, the main reason for their 0xc0000005 error on their PC is damaged game files. To ensure that your Black Ops Cold War game data are intact and current, you can use the Blizzard launcher Verify tool. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open the Blizzard desktop app on your PC.
  2. Find the Black Ops Cold War icon and click it.
  3. Click on OPTIONS (middle of the screen, COG/GEAR icon).
  4. Click on Scan and Repair.
  5. Click Begin Scan.
  6. Wait for the repair to finish.

The Scan and Repair tool is limited to games launched from the app. If you’re not using the to play the game, simply skip this solution and move to the next one below.

Solution #3: Install the latest graphics drivers.

For some people, the cause of this error is old or outdated GPU drivers. Drivers are important pieces of software for your hardware. If your computer is running games with outdated graphics drivers, you may experience issues such as random crashes, black screen, freezing, or poor performance. Make sure to get the latest drivers for your GPU at this point.

There are two ways to install the latest drivers. One is by manually going under Device Manager and the other is by using the special software that comes with your hardware.

If you want to manually check for updates, here’s how:

  1. Right click the Start button located at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Select Device Manager. You can also access Device Manager by accessing the Control Panel.
  3. Select Display Adapters.
  4. Then right click the adapter found under the Display Adapters category.
  5. Select Update Driver. Wait for a few minutes to complete the process. Once completed, the performance when you play the games on your Windows PC should also improve.

Alternatively, you can use the correct link below to update your own graphics card driver:

Solution #4: Check for Windows OS updates.

Just as important as updating the drivers is to ensure that your Windows Operating System is running its latest version as well. We can talk about many reasons why you should want to do this but when it comes to gaming, you want to ensure that the software environment is as current as possible. Games are constantly being updated to take advantage of new technologies so if your software or OS lags behind, you may experience incompatibility issues or, sometimes, even game-breaking bugs.

To check for updates:

  1. Press the Windows key or Start button located at the lower left.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Inside Windows Setting, click Update and Security.
  4. Select Windows Update.
  5. Click the Check for updates button.
  6. Install the latest updates that are available at this point.

Solution #5: Check your RAM chips.

Some players claim that the 0xc0000005 error on Black Ops Cold War can be caused by a fault in the hardware, particularly the memory chips or RAM. Unfortunately, there’s no direct way to check if your RAM is the one that’s causing this error on your PC. However, if you’ve already tried all the solutions above and none has helped, you can try to replace your RAM and see if that will fix the bug.

If you have no idea how to tinker with your hardware and you suspect that you may have a defective RAM, try to get a professional to do the RAM replacement for you.


Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos and tutorials.

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