How To Fix UFC 3 That Keeps Stuttering On Xbox Series S
Game stutters are often due to unstable Internet connection regardless of what platform you’re playing. However, there are times when it’s also due to the device you’re using, that’s why it’s important that you try troubleshooting both the game and your console.
Most of the time, this is just a minor problem that you would be able to fix by doing a couple of procedures, but we will show you just a few more solutions you can do to make sure that this game won’t act up again in the future. So if you’re one of the gamers that’s bugged by this issue, here are the things you need to do:
Fix #1: Force stop UFC 3 and reopen it
The stuttering might be due to a minor glitch in the game. It’s often fixable with a game restart so that should be the first thing you need to do. Just force stop UFC 3 and then reopen it.

- To do so, press the Xbox button on your controller.
- Highlight UFC 3 and hit the Menu button.
- Highlight Quit and press A to close it.
After doing such a procedure and the game’s performance hasn’t improved, then move on to the next solution.
Fix #2: Restart your console
If it’s not due to a glitch with the game, then it might be a minor issue with the console itself. So what you have to do next is to refresh the memory of your console by rebooting it. Here’s how:

- Press and hold the Xbox button on your controller.
- When the Power center pops up, select Restart Console.
- Highlight Restart and press A to reboot it.
Now wait until your Xbox Series S has finished rebooting and then reopen UFC 3 to know if it still stutters.
Fix #3: Check your Internet connection
Another possibility that you have to rule out is that this issue might just be due to an unstable internet connection. So make sure that your console is connected to your Wi-Fi network and then try doing a speed test to know how fast your connection is. Here’s how it’s done:

- Press the Xbox button on your controller.
- Highlight Settings and press A to open it.
- Select General if it’s not selected yet, and then open Network settings.
- Select Test network connection. If it says your console is connected to the Internet, then try doing a speed test.
- Select Test network speed & statistics, and wait until the speed test is completed.
Connection issues can often be fixed by restarting your router as it refreshes the connection between your devices.
Fix #4: Check the Xbox Live status
After making sure that you have an Internet connection, another thing you have to look into is the Xbox Live status. Your console must be constantly connected to its servers and if some of the services aren’t available, then it might be the reason why the game stutters. To check the Xbox Live status, follow these steps:

- Open Microsoft Edge on your console.
- Log on to, and then click on Xbox status.
- Now check if there are services that are currently down or having issues.
If it shows that some services are down, then you just have to wait until they’re fixed. However, if all services are up and running, then try the next solution.
Fix #5: Reinstall the game
After doing the previous solutions and UFC 3 continues to stutter, your last resort will be to uninstall the game and then reinstall it. This will also delete all the cache and installation files. Such a procedure will be enough to fix this issue and here’s how you do it:

- Press the Xbox button on your controller.
- At the Home tab, highlight My games & apps and press A.
- Select See all to view all your games and apps.
- Highlight UFC 3 then press the menu button on the controller.
- Select Uninstall and press A.
It’s better to restart your console once you’re successfully uninstalled the game, and then reinstall it once the restart is complete.
We hope that these troubleshooting steps can help you one way or the other.
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