Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Screen Has Purple Color Issue & Other Related Problems

The #Samsung #Galaxy #Note5 which was released in 2015 is one of the longest reigning flagship devices of the company since its successor, the Note 7, was recalled globally. Although this is already a two year old phone  it is still capable of delivering excellent performance results owing in part to its great hardware as well as its timely software updates. Ever since the phone was released a lot of people have been using it as their daily driver without experiencing any issues. There are however instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy Note 5 screen has purple color issue & other related problems.

If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 5  or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.  

If you would like to browse the previous parts in this series then check out this link.  

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Note 5 Screen Has Purple Color

Problem: I woke to see that Galaxy Note S5 phone screen has blue /purple color bleeding from the side to the middle of the screen. I have not dropped my phone, nor have I stored it in a hot place, so I do not know why my phone screen is like this. How can I fix it?

Related Problem: Hi so after getting my phone repaired around 3 months ago, I used it and yesterday I found a slight purple tinge on the screen . after I woke up today the tinge has covered my entire screen except for a slight gap at the right side of the phone. PLS HELP ME!

Solution: The first thing that you will want to do in this particular case is to check if an app you installed is causing the problem. To do this just start the phone in Safe Mode. When the phone operates in this mode only the pre-installed apps are allowed to run. If the issue does not occur in this mode then it is most likely caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.

In case the issue still occurs even in Safe Mode then the next step is to check if this is caused by a system glitch. To do this you need to backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

Should the issue persist even after a factory reset then this might already be caused by a faulty display. The best thing to do right now is to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.

Note 5 Screen Keeps Turning Off

Problem: Hello i have a Galaxy Note 5. The issue i am having is when i want to open the screen it keeps closing on me and most of the time it does it and sometimes not. When i press the bottom button to turn on screen on it closes sometimes it takes more than 20 minutes of trying or more. Not sure if the apps are a problem. Is there something i can do at my end to stop this from happening? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Solution: There’s a possibility that this issue is caused by a software glitch. To check if this is the case perform the troubleshooting steps listed below. Immediately check if the issue still occurs after performing a step then move to the next one if it still does.

  • Start the phone in Safe Mode. Does the issue occur in this mode? If it doesn’t then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

If the above steps fails to fix the problem then this could already be a hardware related issue in which case you will need to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.

Note 5 Not Connecting to PayPal Here Card Reader

Problem: Hi there, I am trying to connect via Bluetooth with my PayPal Here card reader. My wife’s S6 and my 10″ Android tablet connected immediately. When I try I get the message ‘Settings has stopped working’. I have cleared the cache in Bluetooth and tried with the phone in ‘Safe Mode’ with no success.  Do you have any suggestions?

Solution: The first thing that you need to do in this particular case is to make sure that your phone is running on the latest software version. If it already is and the issue still persists then proceed with the troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Wipe the cache partition of the phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

Note 5 Security Error This Phone Has Been Flashed With Unauthorized Software And Is Locked

Problem: Hi, A started having issues with my phone a couple of weeks ago, when it restarted itself out of nowhere. After that, it started to not wake up out of the black screen, when I would press the home button or power button. Sometimes it would take a few tries and other times it would restart itself. There were other times when it would restart itself while I was on a call. I did a factory reset, installed the latest updates, and it happened again. So, I did another factory reset and didn’t install the updates. It still happened after a day. I finally did a warranty exchange. I started up the new phone, using Samsung’s Smart Switch app and installed updates that night. When I woke the next morning, I had another update notification. I took a screenshot of the update details, because that seemed strange. I installed the updates and got ANOTHER notification. I took another SS and verified the updates were the same. I installed and then the notifications stopped popping up. After about a day, the same issues started happening…on the new phone. I removed apps that were newer and apps I didn’t use much. It continued to happen. Yesterday, after it wouldn’t wake from the black screen, the screen went turquoise and I got this error: “Security Error: This phone has been flashed with unauthorized software and is locked. Call your mobile operator for additional support…” When I did a soft reboot, the phone restarted fine. So, I have ANOTHER warranty exchange on the way. Can you help me prevent this from happening on the next phone? I plan to only use Smart Switch to transfer my info and data, but no apps…then I will install those one at a time. Could it be an app? How can I tell? Could it be a charger causing this? I got these on Amazon in April and they’ve worked great. I’m just trying to explore all possible options.

Solution: The phone that you got might already have a problem before it was sent to you.

When you get the new replacement phone make sure to perform a factory reset immediately before using it. Using Smart Switch to restore your data is also highly recommended. You should also only get apps from the Google Play Store.

Note 5 Refuses To Update

Problem: I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, that refuses to update it keeps telling me processing fail even when I connect to a strong network.

Solution: There are several conditions that your phone should meet first in order for it to get the software update.

  • Your phone must not be rooted
  • Your phone must not be running on a custom software
  • If you had your phone unlocked then it should be running on its original network in order for it to access the update servers.

In case your phone meets the conditions listed above and it is still not getting updates then try performing a factory reset. Make sure to backup your phone data before doing the reset. Use Smart Switch to update your phone.

Your last option to get the update is to manually flash it to your phone. You can get the latest firmware file of your phone from the Sammobile website which is also where you can get the instructions on how to flash your phone.

Note 5 Can’t Send MMS After Switching To Sprint

Problem: Good Morning! I have an Samsung Android Note 5. I’ve not been able to send any MMS text messages ever since I changed my number w/ Sprint. I’ve had really amazing savvy techs look at it, but cannot figure out what is wrong. They said I should call Sprint. Any suggestions before I have to call Sprint? Thank you & Have a GREAT Day!

Solution: It’s very likely that your phone does not have the Sprint APN settings yet. Check the APN settings of your phone and make sure that it is already set correctly.

  • APN Name: Sprint
  • APN: cinet.spcs
  • Proxy: blank
  • Port:
  • Username: blank
  • Password: blank
  • Server: Not set
  • MMSC:
  • MMS Proxy:
  • MMS Port: 80
  • MCC:n310
  • MNC: 120
  • Authentication Type:
  • APN Type: MMS
  • APN Protocol: IPv4

Note 5 Power Button Not Working

Problem: My Samsung note 5 power button is not working. My phone is on but when i’ve tried to press the power button to turn off the phone i noticed that it’s not working Please help.

Solution: If the power button does not work then there’s a possibility that it is faulty. The best thing that you can do right now is to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.

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