How to fix overheating problem on Galaxy S20
Wondering why your new Samsung Galaxy S20 smartphone seems to heat up so easily? While this may sound bizarre for a new high-end device to succumb to this issue, it’s inevitable. Read on to find out what had caused the overheating problem on your Galaxy S20 and how to deal with it.
It is normal for a phone to heat up from prolonged and extensive usage. The same thing when it’s charging. These however are deemed as normal circumstances as the device cools down after it’s turned off or left idle for a certain period of time. The normal operating temperature of a smartphone is typically between 37-43 degrees Celsius, or 98.6-109.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Beyond this range, it can be considered overheating.
Several factors can trigger a smartphone to overheat. Online games, location apps and services are just among the common culprits. In worst case scenarios, overheating can be attributed to hardware damage including a bad battery. This is usually the case among old devices. Overheating issues in new devices however are mostly associated with software issues. And this is likely what’s transpiring on your new galaxy s20 smartphone.
Scroll down to view more detailed solutions.
Troubleshooting a Galaxy S20 that’s suddenly overheating
Factory Data Reset doesn’t do any good and the overheating issue continues?
If none of these solutions helps and your galaxy s20 continues to overheat, then you better take it to the nearest Samsung-authorized service center. There’s a higher chance that hardware damage is present and therefore not safe. If the phone is provided by your carrier, then you may have to consider having it replaced. You can also avail for warranty, if you’re still eligible for one.
And that covers everything in this troubleshooting guide. Please keep posted for more comprehensive troubleshooting guides and tutorials that would help you make the most of what the new Samsung galaxy s20 has to offer.
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