How To Fix Nintendo Switch 2110-2003 Error | NEW & Updated in 2025

Are you getting the 2110-2003 error code on your Nintendo Switch? The Nintendo Switch error code 2110-2003 is one of the network common errors that we’re aware of ever since the Nintendo Switch was released in 2017. The full error reads: “Unable to connect to network device. Please check the status of the network device and try again.”

If you are experiencing this error code, this article will show you what you must do to fix it.

What does 2110-2003 error mean?

2110-2003 is a network error on the Nintendo Switch. It usually occurs when one make some changes on the console network settings, or when the Nintendo Switch is unable to establish a connection to a new network.

If it’s your first time to connect to a wifi network and you’re getting the error code 2110-2003, it may be due to an incorrect setting in the network, or there may be something that prevents the console from obtaining an IP address. There are also other factors that we can consider other than these things. Continue reading below to know what they are.

Causes of 2110-2003 error on Nintendo Switch

There are several known causes for Nintendo Switch error code 2110-2003. Let’s talk about each one briefly.

Random bugs.

Sometimes, network bugs may develop after a while. This does not necessarily mean that there’s a major issue with your network. Most of the time, bugs that affect the connectivity of Nintendo Switch are due to minor temporary glitches in the software, or in the network itself. Thankfully, such minor bugs are easily fixed by a full reboot of the networking equipment or of the Nintendo Switch console.

Incorrect network settings.

The network your Nintendo Switch is connected to can trigger error code 2110-2003. For example, if your Switch is unable to get a valid internal IP address due to DHCP issues with the wireless router, error code 2110-2003 may show up. 

In some cases, having an incorrect wifi password can result in the same situation. I experienced this error myself when I forgot to change the wifi password on the Nintendo Switch after generating a new password in my router settings.

Some users may also encounter error code 2110-2003 due to incorrect DNS settings. If you recently created a new Internet connection on your Nintendo Switch, make sure to double check if the DNS settings are working. 

Another possible reason can be an issue with the DNS servers from your Internet Service Provider. If you are positive that the DNS settings on the Switch are correct, try using different DNS servers to see if the ISP provider DNS is the culprit.

Unresponsive modem or wireless router.

The state of your network equipment can be another reason for error code 2110-2003. Modems or routers may stop working, become unresponsive, or freeze if left running for a long time. Make it a habit to reboot your network equipment at least once every few days.

Weak wifi signal.

If your Nintendo Switch is not getting a strong wifi signal, either due to distance from the wireless router or signal interference, it may be the reason for this Nintendo Switch error.

Outdated software.

Some few players have confirmed that they were able to fix the 2110-2003 error code after updating the console. This can happen if your Switch is mostly offline, or if you play offline games only. 

How to fix Nintendo Switch 2110-2003 error?

Getting the Nintendo Switch error code 2110-2003? Below are the solutions that you can do to fix this issue.

Fix #1: Reboot your Nintendo Switch.

Refreshing your Nintendo Switch console is one of the simple yet sometimes effective means to fixing all sorts of issues. To power cycle your console try doing these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Power button on your Nintendo Switch for 3 seconds.
  2. Once the Power menu comes up, select Power Options.
  3. Select Restart.

If you find out that your Nintendo Switch has become unresponsive, frozen, or not responding to any presses, you can alternatively force it to reboot by pressing and holding the power button for 12 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Doing so will force the system to turn off and restart.

Fix #2: Troubleshoot the modem or router.

Fixing this Nintendo Switch error code means dealing with your network equipment, particularly the wireless router

Power cycle the router.

Just like refreshing the Nintendo Switch console, the same thing can be performed on your wireless router. To reboot your router, just turn it off normally and unplug it from the power source for 30 seconds. Afterwards, plug it back in and check for the problem again.

Reset the router.

Another way to troubleshoot Nintendo Switch error code 2110-2003 is by resetting the router. Unlike a power cycle, this one will return all the firmware settings of the router to its original or factory state. This is usually effective if the cause of the problem is due to a firmware issue on the wireless router. Before you decide to reset your wireless router, we highly recommend that you perform a firmware update. If that won’t fix the issue, then go ahead with the reset.

Resetting a particular router depends on the make and model of the equipment. If you don’t know how to do this, contact the router maker or your Internet Service Provider.

Fix #3: Set up a new Internet connection.

If nothing has changed, the next move that you want to do is to set up a new wireless network again. This time around, make sure that you double check all settings. If you have no idea how to set up a new wireless network, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Nintendo Switch Home menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Internet.
  4. Select Internet Settings and wait for your Nintendo Switch to search for nearby Wifi signals.
  5. Select your Wifi network.
  6. Enter your correct wifi network password.
  7. Wait for your Internet connection test result after the setup. Select OK to complete the setup process.

Fix #4: Check for wireless signal interference.

If the wifi signal on your Nintendo Switch keeps dropping, disconnecting, or stops working all the time, it may be due to signal interference. If you need to troubleshoot your Nintendo Switch wifi, be sure to do so at this point.

Fix #5: Use a different DNS server.

Some players were able to fix 2110-2003 error code by changing the DNS servers on their Nintendo Switch.


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