How To Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Black Screen Issue | New in 2025

There’s been a steady stream of reports from players about their Mass Effect Legendary Edition game randomly freezing and getting stuck in a black screen. If you are experiencing the same, check out solutions in this guide to fix it.

How to fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition black screen issue?

Below are the solutions that you can try if your Mass Effect Legendary Edition game keeps getting stuck in a black screen, or if it becomes unresponsive.

Solution #1: Force quit the game.

If you cannot close the game normally and the Settings menu is inaccessible, you can force close the game via Task Manager. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL at the same time and open Task Manager app. Once Task Manager is up, find the Mass Effect Legendary Edition game and right click on it. Then, in the context menu that shows up, select End Task to close the game.

If you’re playing the game on Steam, you should also try to force close the Steam client to fully refresh it before launching the game again.

Solution #2: Update the game.

Newly released games sometimes come with bugs that may lead to minor issues such as one-off crashes and freezing issues. Make sure that you update Mass Effect Legendary Edition if the black screen issue returns after restarting it.

Solution #3: Ensure that your PC can handle the game.

Black screen issue in some games may be an indication of insufficient hardware capability. If your PC is not designed for gaming, or if it’s old, it may be struggling to run the game. Be sure to check the specifications below:


  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-8350
  • Memory/RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 760, AMD Radeon 7970 / R9280X 
  • GPU RAM: 2 GB Video Memory
  • DirectX: Version 11


  • Operating System:: 64-bit Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-7700 or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
  • Memory/RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics Card: GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1070 / RTX 200, Radeon Vega 56, 
  • GPU RAM: 4 GB Video Memory
  • DirectX: Version 11

If your PC is barely meeting the minimum system requirements, or if your hardware do not meet them at all, consider upgrading critical components such as your graphics card, CPU, or RAM.

Solution #4: Check for GPU driver update.

Another reason that might lead to black screen issues in games is outdated drivers. Your GPU or graphics card need to use the latest available drivers in order to avoid running into issues when called upon to render games. A driver is like a mini-OS for a particular hardware such as a GPU. If a certain driver is old, your Windows OS may not be able to process the game efficiently, or there may be some conflicts within the system when you play.

Below are the steps to update your graphics card:

  1. Right click the Start button located at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Select Device Manager. You can also access Device Manager by accessing the Control Panel.
  3. Select Display Adapters.
  4. Then right click the adapter found under the Display Adapters category.
  5. Select Update Driver. Wait for a few minutes to complete the process. Once completed, the performance when you play the games on your Windows PC should also improve.

Alternatively, you can use the correct link below to update your own graphics card driver:

Solution #5: Check for damaged game files.

The game files in your PC may be damaged due to corrupted updates, malware, or other factors. To check if the reason for the black screen issue in your Mass Effect Legendary Edition game is due broken files, you can use the Steam Verify tool. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Launch the Steam app.
  2. Go to the Library.
  3. Look for the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and right click the icon.
  4. Then select Properties from the drop down options.
  5. Choose the Local Files tab.
  6. Select Verify Integrity of Game Files to begin the repair process. 
  7. Run Mass Effect Legendary Edition again to check if the issue has been eliminated.

Solution #6: Close other background apps.

If the problem remains the same after verifying the game files, the next thing that you want to look into is the possibility that your PC may be running out resources when you play. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a demanding game and if some background apps are open while you play, the much needed resources such as memory and computing power may be taken by these other apps. Make sure that you close unnecessary apps while the game is running.

Solution #7: Delete and install Mass Effect Legendary Edition again.

The final thing that you can do in this situation is to reinstall Mass Effect Legendary Edition. A reinstallation may fix game breaking bugs if they’re due to issues within your system that basic troubleshooting can’t fix. 


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