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How to manage Facebook Video Settings on Galaxy S20

If the photos and videos you uploaded on Facebook appeared to be pixelated or the playback is low quality, this post will help you enhance it. Here’s a quick guide on how to edit and manage Facebook video settings to ensure that your uploads are of the highest quality. 

Many people would prefer to view photos and video uploads that are high definition. Considering the galaxy s20‘s built-in camera specs, rendering high quality or high-definition photos and videos shouldn’t be a problem. All you have to do is make necessary adjustments to some settings in order to produce the desired quality for videos and images. Read on for more detailed instructions.

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Easy steps to edit or manage Facebook Video Settings on Galaxy S20

Having trouble with Facebook video uploads?

If by any chance, you will encounter problems when adding or uploading a video, verify and ensure that the video is in a supported file format. As recommended, use MOV or MP4. You can use a video software like iMovie to change the image or video formats.

Other factors that you need to consider are the length and size of the video file you’re uploading. The maximum file size is 4GB and the maximum length is 120 minutes.

Aside from MOV and MP4 videos, you can also upload other file types including wmv (Windows Media Video),gif (Graphics Interchange Format), flv (Flash Video), and more. You can view a complete list of supported videos on the Facebook support page.

High speed internet connection is also one of the requisites. Note that the actual quality of images and videos viewed on Facebook may also depreciate if the connection is not stable or sluggish. This means that your Facebook photo and video uploads can appear hideos even if they’re originally uploaded in HD format.

There are also third-party apps you can use to fix pixelated videos, if needed. Among these apps include Video Enhancer, VirtualDub, Fix Player as well as plug-ins for widely-used video editing programs like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. 

And that covers everything in this tutorial. Please keep posted for more comprehensive tutorials, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your new Samsung galaxy s20 smartphone. 

Also check out our YouTube channel to view more smartphone video tutorials and troubleshooting guides.ALSO READ: How to Create a New YouTube Playlist on Galaxy S20

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