How To Fix Stuck In Boot Logo Issues On Galaxy Note 2 [Part 1]

We all know that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is already an old model having been released last 2012. Most people who owned this phone may have already upgraded to newer models. There are however quite a number of people who are still using this phone today judging from the number of emails we have been receiving about this model.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

In this installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle one issue that we have been constantly receiving and that is the phone being stuck in boot logo. This condition occurs when the phone is turned on from the off state and instead of booting completely it stops at the Samsung logo on the display. Hence the name stuck on boot logo.

If you own the Galaxy Note 2 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to send us an email at [email protected] regarding any issue that you may have with your device. We will be more than happy to help you with any concern that you may have. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do send us an email try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.

If you would like to check out the previous parts in this series then head out to this link.

Aside from sending us an email you may also contact us through our Facebook and Google+ social media accounts.

Note 2 Stuck In Boot Logo After Software Upgrade

Problem: I was once trying to update my note 2 to a higher android version, while in the process the battery died and i presume it hadn’t completed the update. As a result when i switch it on it stucks when the logo “NOTE II N7100” appears. I tried to manually reset it but still when the  logo appears it stucks.

Solution: The reason why your phone is showing the boot logo is because the update process got interrupted causing a software corruption. If you backed up your data before doing the software update then the best way to proceed right now is to perform a factory reset.

  • Turn off the device.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When ‘GALAXY Note II’ appears on the screen, release the Power key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up and Home keys.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘delete all user data.’
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset. When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to turn the restart the device.

Once the factory reset has completed your phone will most likely boot up normally. You can then proceed with the software upgrade again. Make sure to perform the procedure with at least 80% battery life on your phone or better yet connect the wall charger while doing the upgrade.

If you didn’t make a backup of your phone data before you performed the software upgrade then you should use Kies to perform a software upgrade on your phone. Just connect your phone using a USB cord to a computer running on Kies. If your phone can be detected then you will be prompted of a software update. Just follow the onscreen instructions to upgrade your phone software.

Note 2 Stuck In Boot Logo After Charging

Problem: My mobile was ok when i put it on charging.. After some time i saw it switch off automatically then i tried to switch on it only shows Samsung galaxy N7100 logo but not properly switch on i removed battery and again put in to switch on but same problem occurred. After that i again recharge it but same problem. It only show Samsung logo but not properly switch on. Please tell me what to do.

Solution: Here’s what you can do to resolve this issue. Take out the phone battery and the microSD (if your phone has one installed). Press and hold the power button for at least a minute. This completely discharges your phone and gets rid of any temporary data that may be stored in your phone RAM. Reinsert the battery but leave the microSD out. Turn on your phone and check if the issue still persists.

If your phone is still stuck on the boot logo then wipe the cache partition of your phone.

  • Turn off the device.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key
  • When ‘GALAXY Note II’ appears on the screen, let go of the Power key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up and Home keys.
  • Press the Volume Down key to highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
  • Press the Power key to select and wipe the cache.
  • With ‘reboot system now’ highlighted, press the Power key to restart the device.

If all else fails then you will have to consider doing a factory reset. Remember that you should only do this if you have made a backup of your phone data.

  • Turn off the device.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When ‘GALAXY Note II’ appears on the screen, release the Power key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up and Home keys.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘delete all user data.’
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset. When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to turn the restart the device.

Note 2 Stuck In Boot Logo After Battery Ran Out

Problem: I work on a cruise ship and have a T-mobile unlocked (officially by T-mobile) GN2, not rooted. I usually get a sim card from the countries we go to.  Today I purchased one from Turkcell, installed and used it for 1 hour, until my battery ran-out. Upon re-starting, my phone only shows “Samsung Galaxy Note II”, on-and-off. I tried wiping cache and eventually factory reset with no changes. Any advise? any thanks,

Solution: If wiping the cache partition and doing a factory reset does not make the issue disappear then try to check if your phone has a microSD card installed. If it has then try taking it out then check if your phone boots normally. If it doesn’t then you may have a bricked phone. Your best option right now is to reflash your phone software. You will need a copy of your phone firmware and a program called Odin installed in your computer to do this. You can get the exact procedure from most of the popular Android forums online.

Note 2 Stuck In Boot Logo

Problem: Hi, I have a samsung Galaxy 2 note and when I try to turn it on it comes to the Samsung galaxy note 2 screen and freezes. If I put it on the charger it shows the battery symbol with what looks like a loading circle in it. Both screens freeze and stay that way until the battery is taken out. I have tried soft resetting as well as hard. Nothing seems to work. Please can you help?

Solution: If your phone has a microSD card installed then try taking it out then check if your phone boots normally. If the issue still remains then the phone software may already be corrupt.  The best thing to do in this scenario is to reflash your device. You should have a copy of your phone firmware as well as a program called Odin installed in your computer. Instructions on how to do this procedure can be found at most of the popular android forums online.

Note 2 Gets Stuck At Boot Logo Then Shuts Down

Problem: Hello, I have a note 2 and it seem to be acting crazy. At times I can get it to boot all the way up and sometimes it will go to the samsung icon and just shut off. I am thinking its a motherboard issue because I but the motherboard on another note 2 and it does the same thing. And if I get lucky and it boots all the way up I cant charge the battery. Am I correct on my assumption of the motherboard? Thanks

Solution: Have you tried checking if this may be caused by a corrupt software? Before ruling this as a hardware issue you should try to perform a factory reset on the phone first. Make sure to back up your phone data before doing this.

  • Turn off the device.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When ‘GALAXY Note II’ appears on the screen, release the Power key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up and Home keys.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘delete all user data.’
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset. When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to turn the restart the device.

If the factory reset fails then your last option to check for any software related issues is to reflash your phone software. To do this you need a copy of your phone firmware as well as a software called Odin installed in your computer. Instructions on how to do this can be found at several of the popular Android forums online.

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Feel free to send us your questions, suggestions and problems you’ve encountered while using your Android phone at [email protected]. We read every email but can’t guarantee a timely response. Lastly, if we were able to help you, please help spread the word by sharing our posts with your friends. Thanks.

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