How to fix Samsung Galaxy S6 that can’t attach a photo to a text message, other SMS & MMS problems
The focus of this post is how to fix the issue that prevents the Samsung Galaxy S6 (#Samsung #GalaxyS6) from attaching pictures to a text message or adding texts to a picture and be sent as #MMS. This problem isn’t exclusive to the S6 as it also occurs to new Galaxy devices. In fact, I already published articles for the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ dealing the same problem.
Here’s the list of the topics I covered in this article. Click on the link to jump to the specific problem…
- Unable to send text message with pictures, can’t add text to photos
- Galaxy S6 shows contacts / senders but can’t download messages
- Galaxy S6 can receive text messages but can’t send
- Galaxy S6 converts SMS to MMS
- Picture sent as attachment is split in half when received
- Unable to send photos through text messages, keeps saying “Sending”
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Unable to send text message with pictures, can’t add text to photos
Problem: I, too, am unable to attach files to text messages. It only gives an option to send, and it if I select multiple pictures, it sends them as separate messages. Because of not being allowed to attach files, I can’t send a message (words) with my pic. This issue began for me after I did an update to my phone about 2 or 3 months ago. Please fix it!
Related Problem: I am having issues attaching pictures to my text messages any more. What has changed and how can I fix that.
Related Problem: I know it sounds childish, but I can’t insert a smiley into a text message. Has been going on for about a month. Just did a system update this weekend, but no smileys has been happening before that. Smiley face is there when I am typing using the keyboard, and when I tap on the smiley face next to send, it turns orange, but nothing pops up to select which one I want. I have scoured the web, but no luck. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
Solution: Having received a lot of emails from our readers who were seeking assistance to fix this issue, we were able to narrow down this problem to the VoLTE. Just disable it the feature and you should be able to attach pictures to your text messages just like before or add texts to your photos. Just open the Phone app > tap on More > choose Settings > under Call settings section tap Voice over LTE > choose Do not use VoLTE.
Galaxy S6 shows contacts / senders but can’t download messages
Problem: When I send a group text, the replies come and I can see the name of the sender, but not the text itself. There is a “download” button but then an error message that it’s unable to download. If someone else starts a group text and adds me, I again see all of the names (as individuals ) but I cannot read the messages.
Related Problem: When I am on a group message, I am unable to read all the messages in the group message. I could usually read one of the texts, but not all. All that appears is : “multimedia message ” (instead of flashing the message instantly ). When I try to open the message, it is blank. I thought is my friend’s phone that has a problem (my friend whose message I couldn’t open), but in other occasions, I could read her text and not others’. Please help me with this problem! Thanks.
Answer: Group messages are considered MMS and if your phone tells you to “Download” them, it means that it’s going to use data to do so. The solution is to turn on mobile data. However, if it’s already enabled and you’re still prompted to download the messages, then it means the APN wasn’t properly setup in your phone. You may google the correct APN that your provider use or simply call tech support and ask for the correct one to be sure.
Galaxy S6 can receive text messages but can’t send
Problem: Hi my text won’t let me send text it will let others send me text but I can’t send them. It says failed to send! I am not out of data time or whatever you call it. I know I have enough, and worked fine before today. It has not worked all day I restored my phone several times also lost a photo I wanted today too. That I took and Can’t go get back. Please help.
Suggestion: Just make sure there’s good coverage while trying to send a message. If there is, then it must have something to do with the Message Center Number. It must be setup in your phone so it can send byte-size data over cellular network. You probably don’t know what the correct center number for your phone is (don’t worry, 95% of us can’t memorize it either), so I suggest you call your service provider and ask for it. Just tell the rep you can’t send SMS but can receive. He/she knows what to do next.
Problem: I have my S6 for a couple of weeks and it works fine. A couple of days ago, I was unable to type a text more than 3 – 4 sentences, then it started to convert my SMS to MMS. Even trying to forward an existing SMS, it still converts to MMS. I don’t know if I have accidentally changed some setting.
Answer: The phone wouldn’t convert an SMS to MMS without obvious reason. For instance, a text message will be converted to MMS automatically if the phone detects you’re sending it to group, you included emoticons or emojis, attached a picture, attached a file or contact, etc. Try sending a very short message to your own number and if it went through and you received it as an SMS, then the phone is fine. Otherwise, you need to call your provider about it.
Picture sent as attachment is split in half when received
Problem: I just got my Galaxy 6 and have found that when someone sends me a picture by texting the picture comes split in half. The bottom half is dark and offset just a bit to the right. The part missing from the right side is attached to the left side. This seems to happen only when I receive pictures from an iPhone. Those sent from another Samsung phone are fine. Is there some setting that is goofy with my phone?
Answer: Just make sure it’s not a problem with the picture itself. If not, then it means your phone hasn’t downloaded it completely; either the network your phone is connected to is very slow and the picture is very large in size.
You may also check the APN settings if they’re correct and conform with your provider’s settings.
Unable to send photos through text messages, keeps saying “Sending”
Problem: I am not able to send photos through text messages. It just keeps saying “sending” but never sends. I have tried sending with the smallest photo size and still the same thing. Please help.
Solution: Just turn on mobile data in your phone and you should be fine. If it’s already enabled, then check the APN settings and call your provider if the problem persists as it may be account-related.
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