How To Fix Freezing, Unresponsive, Slow Performance Problems On Samsung Galaxy Note 4 [Part 2]
Welcome to the second part in our focused troubleshooting series concerning performance issues on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. As we all know this is the latest Note model released by Samsung and comes with high end specs. It is quite unnatural for this device to suffer from performance related issues however there are quite a number of owners experiencing this type of problem.
In this latest installment of the series we will be providing solutions to the emails sent to us by our readers concerning this device.
If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to send us an email at [email protected] regarding any issue that you may have with your device. We will be more than happy to help you with any concern that you may have. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do send us an email try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.
If you would like to check out the previous parts in this series then head out to this link.
Aside from sending us an email you may also contact us through our Facebook and Google+ social media accounts.
Note 4 Camera & Gallery App Lag
Problem: I had asked one question earlier regarding Galaxy Note 4 lag in stock Gallery & Camera app. According to your solution posted on Drippler, I removed my memory card. But the lag is still there even when memory card is not there in the phone. The same lag is there for other memory cards. What could be the reasons for this? Please forward this issue to Samsung Mobile from your side so that they can fix this lag issue via OTA update. Thank you.
Solution: Removing the microSD card is just one of the troubleshooting steps that you can perform to resolve the lag in your phone camera and gallery app. Once you have determined that this is not causing the issue then the next step you should do is to clear the cache of the camera and gallery app.
- From a Home screen, tap Apps (located in the lower-right).
- Tap Settings.
- From the Device section, tap Applications.
- Tap Application Manager.
- From the ALL tab, tap the desired app.
- Tap Clear cache.
If you are still experiencing a lag when using the camera and gallery then you should proceed with wiping the cache partition of your phone.
- Turn the device off.
- Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
- When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
- Continue holding the Volume Up key until the Android System Recovery menu displays and then release. This step may take several seconds.
- Press the Volume Down key to highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
- Press the Power key to select.
- When the wipe cache partition is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
- Press the Power key to restart the device.
Finally, if the issue still persists a factory reset is highly recommended. Make sure to back up your phone data before proceeding.
- Turn off the phone. If the phone will not turn off, remove and re-insert the battery.
- Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
- When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
- When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up keys.
- Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
- Press Power button to select.
- Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
- Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
- When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
- Press the Power key to restart the device
Note 4 Text Message Takes Too Long To Send
Problem: Hi my name is Jon I’m hoping u can help me. I have 2 main problems the one started about 2 weeks ago. When I text it takes forever for it to go through if u send more than 1 in a row or u send a long text. Sometimes it takes 30 to 40 seconds sometines longer for text to go though. The more u text longer it takes some won’t go through at all and u need to resend it. So image your texting someone directions and there looking for your house but your text only goes through every 5 minutes thoughts. When I call with phone no matter if I’m on blue tooth speaker on phone up to ear. It cuts in and out like your on a speaker phone u know how u can tell when u on speaker phone u get that crackle and pause. Well on mine phone goes silent even person on other end thinks u hung up then u come back in. It will vary on the cutoff some real quick other times 20 seconds. And just an FYI that link u posted to email u if u need help ya that did not work on my phone and u had 2 one at top one on end. Main thing if u can help me with the texting as far as the phone calls I try never to use ot for calls only got like 8 months before I can upgrade lol.
Solution: For the texting issue, does it occur when you are sending only a text message or does it occur when you include a picture in your message? If it occurs when you include a picture then this may be caused by your mobile data. Make sure you have a good signal for your mobile data. You should also try to send a text in different locations so as to verify if the issue is network related.
This issue may also be caused by your messaging app. If this is the case then you should clear its cache.
- From a Home screen, tap Apps (located in the lower-right).
- Tap Settings.
- From the Device section, tap Applications.
- Tap Application Manager.
- From the ALL tab, tap the desired app.
- Tap Clear cache.
Finally, if the issue persists then you should consider doing a factory reset. This procedure is also recommended for the call issue of your phone. Just make sure to back up you phone data before proceeding.
- Turn off the phone. If the phone will not turn off, remove and re-insert the battery.
- Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
- When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
- When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up keys.
- Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
- Press Power button to select.
- Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
- Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
- When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
- Press the Power key to restart the device
Note 4 Slow & Laggy
Problem: Hello, my note 4 is been very slow and laggy. I did a factory reset but the problem continies. My gallery and camara app are super slow, it takes for ever to register a picture into my sd with I formated plenty of times, even change it cause I thought it might be the sd and the problems continue. My screen won’t lock when I’m on the phone and everything goes crazy hanging up calla and making other calls, every other app I use takes a while to load. The note been freezing when ever I exit any app or just trying to get off a phone call or even locking my phone. I did a factory reset on Friday and still does it. Any advice in what I can do??
Solution: If you already performed a factory reset and also replaced the microSD card then your last option is to check if there are any new software upgrades available for your phone. If there are then get them as this may resolve the issue. Otherwise, you will have to bring your phone to an authorized service center and have it checked since this may already be a hardware related problem.
Note 4 Tumblr & Snapchat Won’t Load
Problem: My tumblr and snap chat won’t load. I have cleared my cache, I have checked my memory (still over 50%left), I have removed and re down loaded the apps and still when I open tumblr the pics will not load. My snap chat will not allow me to send pics or video not will it let me see others. I was wondering if there is a phone problem, A virizon problem or if it is user error. Any info or help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Solution: Try to check both apps while connected to a different wireless network. This way you can eliminate any issues that may be caused by the wireless router blocking access to both apps.
If the problem still remains then check if your phone has any security software installed. If your phone has one installed then check its settings and see if it is blocking both apps.
Note 4 Not Responding Issue
Problem: Since the upgrade in having several issues. Sometimes the phone shuts itself off and won’t start up again until I remove the battery and then re install it and then restart it.. I’m on emailing it freezes and says email not responding would you like to close it or wait. same thing happens when I’m in navigation it will say map is not responding would you like to close it or wait, same thing when I’m searching documents or emails. seems like any program or game I open it will freeze and then the screen is unresponsive I can tap on it several times and nothing happens and it’ll stay that way for a minute and then an error message comes up and either have to get out of it all together and start over in which case I end up back in the same position and never do actually get to open the email or send the email. It week just close. Very frustrating. Any ideas welcomed short of wiping everything to factory reset and losing everything. Thanks.
Solution: If performing a factory reset is not an option then the next best thing to do is to wipe the cache partition of your phone. This does not delete the apps or data in your phone but only clears out the temporary data.
- Turn the device off.
- Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
- When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
- Continue holding the Volume Up key until the Android System Recovery menu displays and then release. This step may take several seconds.
- Press the Volume Down key to highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
- Press the Power key to select.
- When the wipe cache partition is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
- Press the Power key to restart the device.
Engage with us
Feel free to send us your questions, suggestions and problems you’ve encountered while using your Android phone at [email protected]. We read every email but can’t guarantee a timely response. Lastly, if we were able to help you, please help spread the word by sharing our posts with your friends. Thanks.
I do all of the above every day, still 5 to 10 second delay for every input.
Hello; My Note 4 became turn off .having 90% battery. and is very slow.i”m not good on phones.i would like if any one can tell something i can do.and i don”t have money no get a new phone is 2 year old…please help me to fix the problem.. last week i took my phone to T-Mobil and they told .is not good any more.i think they want me to get.a new one?? Thanks.
after update system with android 6.1 my samsung galaxy note 4 is freeze. i try everithing to reset , to wipe cache but nothing, what i can do? is any chance to go back to previous version of android 5.1?
Thank you
My Note 4 became sluggish, slow and very hesitant when opening, closing or while trying to text. I move all the apps I could to the memory card. Then my fiance suggested I delete our entire text conversation which had well over 1,000 texts in it. Once I deleted several large conversations of texts, my Note 4 is back to blazing fast speed once again. Hope this helps someone, good luck!!
Be good humans,