
How to connect Galaxy S20 to the Internet using Mobile Data

This post will teach you how to go online via Mobile Data network on the new Samsung Galaxy flagship smartphone. Here’s how to connect Galaxy S20 to the Internet using Mobile data.

There are many ways for you to access the internet and use online services in mobile devices. The widely used method is through Wi-Fi network. This is when network equipment such as a modem and wireless router is being used as the source. Another way to connect to the internet on a smartphone is through cellular data or mobile data. This post tackles the latter.

Before you proceed, make sure that your galaxy s20 has sufficient power, if not, fully charged. Using mobile data can result in faster draining of the battery. Also ensure that your phone is getting a strong and stable cellular signal. Most importantly, be sure to have sufficient data credits if you’re not on a post-paid data subscription.

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Once you have complied with all the said requisites, you’re all set to go online with your galaxy s20 mobile data.

Easy Steps to Connect Galaxy S20 to the Internet using Mobile Data

If you don’t see the Mobile data icon on the notification panel, it means that it hasn’t been added into your Quick Settings yet. This denotes the need for you to add it first.

Internet connection through wireless network doesn’t usually make you incur extra charges as it’s already included in your monthly subscription. However, there are just some situations when internet connection via Wi-Fi network isn’t available. This is when other internet connectivity options like mobile data or cellular data come in handy.

Cellular/mobile data service is offered by most telco providers, allowing you to access the internet using cellular data or mobile data network connections. Using the internet via mobile data usually means additional charges unless you’re on a post-paid data subscription. 

For more information regarding extra charges incurred from using mobile data on your galaxy s20, contact your Internet service provider/carrier.

And that covers everything in this guide. Please keep posted for more comprehensive tutorials, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your new Samsung galaxy s20 smartphone. 

You can also check out our YouTube channel to view more smartphone video tutorials and troubleshooting guides.

ALSO READ: How to Connect Galaxy S20 to a Wi-Fi Network

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