How to Manually Configure or Change Galaxy S20 Network Mode
Need help forcing your Galaxy S20 to switch to other network modes? If that is so, then this post might be able to help you. Here’s a quick walk-through on how to manually configure or change the Galaxy S20 network mode.
Every mobile phone supports different network modes. The new Samsung galaxy s20 devices for instance, offer users with the recently launched wireless network standard (5G) that’s promising faster internet speeds and lower latency. However, there are many factors that can cause these phone’s internet connection to slow down while on 5G networks. And this is when switching to other network modes comes in handy.
If you’re wondering how to access and manage these network settings on your new Samsung smartphone, I have prepared a simple tutorial for you to refer to.
Read on for more detailed instructions.

Easy Steps to Manually Configure or Change the Galaxy S20 Network Mode
Please note that the network mode you select can directly affect the data speed that you get. This means a change in your internet connection speed.
Manually changing the network mode is deemed among the potential solutions to network-related issues particularly those that are attributed to the SIM card or cellular network settings. Random errors affecting wireless internet services can also be addressed by doing this tweak. The same thing when dealing with calling issues like unable to make or receive phone calls.
If for some reason you cannot make any changes to your phone’s network mode settings, you can contact your network service provider for further assistance. It’s possible that your device is currently locked into a single network mode. Just talk to your carrier regarding manual network selection according to its GSM spectrum.
And that covers everything in this tutorial. Please keep posted for more comprehensive tutorials, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your new Samsung galaxy s20 smartphone.
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