How To Fix Call Of Duty Warzone Dev Error 6164 | NEW in 2025

One of the common issues among many PC gamers of Call Of Duty Warzone is the Dev Error 6164. In this troubleshooting article, we’ll explain to you the causes of this error and show you the solutions that you can try if you are experiencing it.

What is COD Warzone Dev Error 6164?

Dev error 6164 is one of the common errors that occur when playing Call Of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone in multiplayer mode. And just like other dev errors, this one requires a bit of patience and persistence to fix because it can be caused by a wide range of factors.

When you experience the Call Of Duty Warzone dev error 6164, you are effectively prevented from playing the battle royale mode so it’s necessary to address the problem first.

Causes of Call Of Duty Warzone 6164 Dev error 

There are a number of possible reasons why you may experience dev error 6164 on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone. 

Random game glitch.

If you experience this problem only once or twice and the error is yet to return, it can be caused by a randomly triggered bug in the game or in your PC. Some types of glitches may occur due to unexpected changes in the software or hardware, which may manifest in dev errors.

Outdated Warzone client.

Some Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone errors including the dev error 6164 can occur if the game tries to load when there’s a pending update. Make sure that you restart the game and check for updates before joining another battle royale session. needs an update.

Some players may also encounter dev errors when their client is outdated. Just like the game client itself, ensure that the Blizzard launcher runs the latest version before loading any games on it.

Third party app interference. 

It’s been a known fact that some Call Of Duty games, including the Infinity Ward developed Warzone, may not work well when certain third party applications are running. For example, some Call Of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone players finds out that they’re getting dev error 6164 when they load the MSI Afterburner and drivers sometimes the Discord overlay feature when trying to stream their games.

Outdated drivers.

Making sure that your PC is using the latest drivers, particularly the graphics driver, is important. To help fix dev error 6164, one of the solutions that we recommend in order to lessen the chances of bugs is to update graphics driver.

Corrupted game data.

Dev error 6164 may also occur due to bad game files. Your save data or files may become corrupted for a number of reasons but the most common one is when you interrupt the system when it’s trying to install something, or when the game is saving.


One less known reason for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone dev error 6164 is overclocking. Some gamers have revealed to us that they were able to fix their issue and get back to their game normally after returning their GPU and/or GPU clock speed to normal.

RAM module troubles.

Tinkering with your computer’s memory may cause or fix this error. If you’ve recently added a new RAM to the system, the cause of the problem might be linked to that. We don’t have any official word from Activision or Infinity Ward why changing the RAM in certain machines may lead to Call Of Duty error but it does occur.

Hard drive issue.

Similar to a mysterious RAM-related issue, changing or adding a hard drive to the system may lead to this error code. If you have a new hard drive installed and you merely transferred the installation folder of Call Of Duty Warzone and its associated files to a new it instead of doing a clean install, this may be the reason for this issue.

How to fix Call Of Duty Warzone Dev error 6164?

There are several solutions that you can try in this troubleshooting guide. Let’s take a look at each of them below.

Fix #1: Restart your device.

Rebooting your PC is an important first step in fixing this Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone dev error. This is especially effective if the cause of the problem happens recently due to a randomly triggered glitch in the system.

Fix #2: Check for updates.

Keeping the software environment of your PC up-to-date is very important, especially if you are playing a new game like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone.

There are 5 important components that you must check for updates: 

  • Call Of Duty game 
  • Blizzard’s client
  • drivers
  • Windows software
  • Other apps

Make sure that each of these items are taken care of before you proceed to the next solutions in this troubleshooting guide.

For your drivers, you can either check the important component like graphics card under Device Manager and select the update driver option from there, or you can use the special app like NVIDIA GeForce Experience to check for updates.

You also want to ensure that you update the app that you’re trying to run while Call Of Duty game is running. For instance, if you usually use Discord overlay when streaming the game, make sure that such app is fully updated.

Fix #3: Disable overlays.

Speaking of overlays, some gamers have found out that certain third party programs may have a conflict with their game when they’re being used. If you are running other applications when you’re playing Call Of Duty Warzone, try to eliminate the possible culprit by closing them one by one. 

If the error stops showing up when a certain app is closed, try running the said again to confirm. If the error returns, then you can assume that it’s creating a conflict with your game.

Fix #4: Repair the launcher.

This one is a common fix for all Call Of Duty issues on PC. If you have no idea how to perform a Scan and Repair on, follow this link.

Fix #5: Stop overclocking.

If you have an overclocked CPU or GPU, try to see if reverting the clock speed of your hardware to its normal speed will fix the problem.

Fix #6: Reseat the RAM.

Some gamers claim that unplugging and reconnecting their RAM chips help fix dev error 6164. This can be safely done so be sure to do it if none of the solutions above has helped so far.

Fix #7: Install the game to another drive.

If you have more than one drive in your system, try to see if moving the installation folder to another one will help.

Fix #8: Reinstall Warzone.

A drastic solution for sure but this one has proven, time and again, as a good dev error 6164 fix. Be wary of the download size of the game though. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone is a pretty huge game so be sure to do this only when you have plenty of time and your internet connection is fast enough.


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