Samsung Galaxy S5 Can’t Send Picture Message After Software Update Issue & Other Related Problems

One of the most versatile communication devices available in the market today is the smartphone. The #Samsung #Galaxy #S5 is one such smartphone that not only allows a person to make calls but send and receive text messages, send emails, connect to the Internet, and a whole lot more. Our concentration for today will be on the messaging aspect of the phone. While it is quite easy to send and receive messages with this device sometimes certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy S5 can’t send picture message after software update issue & other related problems.

If you own a Samsung Galaxy S5  or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.  

If you would like to browse the previous parts in this series then check out this link.  

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S5 Can’t Send Picture Message After Software Update

Problem: I have a galaxy s5 and after the update I can’t send any pictures through text. This is a crucial thing I have to do for my business. I’ve had to reset my phone after each update and this messes up the rest of my phone. Please help! Thanks

Solution: It’s very likely that the APN settings of your phone has changed during the update process. Check these settings in your phone and compare it to the one your carrier is using. Make the necessary changes in your device so that the APN setting matches your carrier settings.

If your phone has the correct APN settings and it can’t send a picture message then do the following troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Make sure that you have an active mobile data subscription and that your mobile data switch is turned on.
  • Try clearing the cache and data of the text messaging app.
  • Check if you are able to send a picture message when the phone is started in Safe Mode. If you are able to then the problem could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

S5 Can’t Connect To Verizon Integrated Messaging Service

Problem: I got a message saying that my samsung galaxy S5 can’t sync to the verizon messenger why? We were unable to connect your device to synchronize with Verizon Integrated Messaging service. You can attempt to reconnect your device to Verizon Integrated Messaging through the Settings menu of the application.

Solution: The first thing that you should do in this particular case is to make sure that you phone is connected to a strong and stable Internet connection. If possible try getting an LTE signal if you are using your mobile data subscription or try connecting your phone to a different Wi-Fi network.

Once you have made sure that the problem is not connection related then the problem is most likely caused by a recent app update. Go to your application manager then look for the Verizon Messages app. Uninstall the updates for this app. You should also clear the cache and data of the app. Once this is done open the app then go through the initialization process. You should be able to use the app now without any problems.

S5 Black Screen On Message+ App When Trying To Type Message

Problem: When I click on a name in contacts and click on message, message opens with a black screen.  If I tap on Message+ on my home screen it comes up a black screen. Steps tried:  I tried soft reset, what comes up is not the Recovery Screen but a screen about loading a new OS.  I have to use volume down to restart phone.  I tried going to Message+ app from Applications manager and there is no clear cache button there.

Solution: This appears to be an app related issue. Go to the application manager of your phone then uninstall the app updates for the Verizon Messages app. Restart your phone then check if the issue still occurs. If it doesn’t then go to the Google Play Store and apply the updates for this app.

S5 Not Receiving Text Messages

Problem: Galaxy S5, not receiving text messages. Can send them just fine, but then don’t get the reply. If my buddy texts me, It seems like I do get every 2nd one sometimes Everything else seems normal. Have tried taking out battery, probably had it out for 30min. Pretty much everything except full factory reset. I have no idea what the Android version is.

Solution: The first thing that you should do in this case is to reset the connection of the phone to the network which you have already done by taking out the battery. Since this doesn’t seem to work then proceed with the troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Try clearing the cache and data of the messaging app.
  • Start your phone in Safe Mode. when the phone operates in this mode only the pre-installed apps are allowed to run. Check if the issue still occurs. If it doesn’t then an app you downloaded could be causing the problem. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

S5 Verizon No Sending Text On T-Mobile Network

Problem: I am a T-Mobile customer who just purchased a secondhand Verizon device and I want to use it with my T-Mobile SIM. I got everything except SMS sending to work. I had to change the network connection from Global to LTE/ GSM/ UMTS. This allows me to get mobile data and receive texts but not to send them. I can make calls as well.

Solution: The problem is most likely caused by the message center number of your phone that is still using the Verizon setting. Make sure that the number is set to +12063130004.

S5 Sporadically Not Receiving Text Messages

Problem: I am sporadically not receiving text messages. It doesn’t happen all the time, and is not always from the same person. For instance, my daughter sent me two messages I did not receive (she sent me a screenshot of the messages looking sent from her phone) but yet the next morning I got two messages from her. I have powered down many times, taken out the battery and even gotten a new sim card

Solution: If you have already replaced the SIM and removed the battery then it’s time to check if the issue is software related. Before proceeding with the troubleshooting steps listed below make sure that you are in an area with a good signal reception.

  • Clear the cache and data of the text messaging app.
  • Start the phone in Safe Mode. Does the issue still occur in this mode? If it doesn’t then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

If the above steps fail to fix the problem then this could already be caused by an internal component that is failing to work. I recommend that you bring your phone to a service center and have it  checked.

S5 Not Getting Full Signal

Problem: I just bought a preowned Galaxy S5 from Verizon and have checked the coverage map and should be covered, however the most bars I’ve received is 3. I’ve tried a soft reset, tried changing the network from global to lte/CDMA and still the same thing. I’ve tried talking it the sim card and putting it back in and still no change. Can you help?

Solution: Ty checking the signal other phones are getting in your area.If it is in the vicinity of 3 bars then the issue could be network related. If other phones are getting a maximum signal in your area then it’s time to check the phone. Does your phone have a case installed? Try removing this case. You should also backup your phone data then do a factory reset to check if a glitch in the phone software is causing the problem.

If the issue still persists then you need to have the phone checked at a service center.

Feel free to send us your questions, suggestions and problems you’ve encountered while using your Android phone. We support every Android device that is available in the market today. And don’t worry, we won’t charge you a single penny for your questions. Contact us using this form. We read every message we receive can’t guarantee a quick response. If we were able to help you, please help us spread the word by sharing our posts with your friends.

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