Samsung Galaxy Note 5 can’t connect to the Internet via mobile data, can’t get 4G signal, & other Internet related issues

One of the selling points of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (#Samsung #GalaxyNote5) is its capability to connect to a 4G network and gain a really fast data transfer. An owner will surely feel disappointed when he discovers his new, very expensive phone can’t get a decent internet connection because it loses connectivity when connected via mobile data. This is one of the problems I will address in this post, so if you can relate to this, continue reading below to learn how to address it.


Another issue that I tackled is about the Note 5 that can’t get 4G signal at all. According to our readers, their phones get 3G signal at best and sometimes there’s none. The surprising part is that the problem started after a firmware update, which of course, makes us to question the integrity of the new firmware that was rolled out recently.

Read on to know more of other problems I addressed and how to tackle them in case they happen to you. If, however, you trying to find a solution to a totally different problem, then visit our Galaxy Note 5 troubleshooting page. It contains all the links pointing to issues we already addressed as well as their solutions. Try to find issues related to yours and use the solutions we suggested. If they don’t work, then fill up this form and hit submit to contact us directly.

Here are the problems I cited here…


Samsung Galaxy Note 5 loses internet connection via mobile data

Problem: I recently purchased my Note 5 and immediately started having data issues. The phone displays full bars and the H+ symbol, however, randomly won’t load anything requiring data and will not place calls or send texts or receive any during this time and usually requires being put into airplane mode or restarted to begin working again. However, it may only work for 5 minutes before failing again I have done a factory reset and master reset both of which has not solved anything.

Troubleshooting: More often than not, this problem is on the network side but there’s also a possibility it’s just the APN Settings that need to be corrected, however, as you said, you could connect to the internet successfully for a few minutes. Therefore, there’s one thing I want you to do to isolate the problem: boot the phone in safe mode and observe.

  1. Turn off the phone completely.
  2. Press and hold the Power key.
  3. Once ‘Samsung Galaxy Note5’ shows, release the Power key and immediately press and hold the Volume Down button.
  4. The phone will restart but keep the Vol Down button pressed.
  5. Once the phone has finished restarting, ‘Safe mode’ will be display in the lower-left corner of the screen.
  6. You may now release the Volume Down button.

You should still be able to connect to the internet via mobile data in this mode so try that and see if the phone can, if so, then you’re lucky as your third-party apps or services have something to do with this problem. And since we don’t know for sure which one is the culprit, I suggest you immediately backup all your important data and perform a master reset.

  1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy Note 5 completely.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up and the Home buttons first, and then press and hold the Power key.
  3. Keep the three buttons pressed and when ‘Samsung Galaxy Note5’ shows, release the Power key but continue holding the other two.
  4. Once the Android logo shows, release both the Volume Up and Home buttons.
  5. The notice ‘Installing system update’ will show on the screen for 30 to 60 seconds before the Android system recovery screen is shown with its options.
  6. Use the Volume Down key to highlight the option ‘Yes — delete all user data’ and press the Power key to select it.
  7. When the process is complete, use the Volume Down key to highlight the option ‘Reboot system now’ and hit the Power key to restart the phone.
  8. The reboot may take a little longer to complete but don’t worry and wait for the device to become active.

For sure, this procedure can fix this problem. However, if the problem is still happening even in safe mode, try to call your provider and have the rep check on their end if it has something to do with your account. At first glance, they should be able to see what the problem, otherwise, they are obliged to replace the phone with a new one.

Galaxy Note 5 occasionally connects to untrusted networks

Problem: The Wi-Fi occasionally connects to networks I did not approve and that is not showing on the network list hence I could not disconnect unless I toggle off my Wi-Fi.

Answer: The thing about smartphones today is that they are designed with users’ privacy in mind. Thus, sensitive functions such as connecting to any networks requires a consent from the owner and network-side, you need to have the correct passphrase so you can successfully connect to protected Wi-Fi networks.

I am not trying to discredit you but in my years of using Android smartphones, I never encountered an issue that’s the same as yours nor have found someone that has this problem…except you, of course. My questions are: Are the networks that your phone occasionally connects to protected? Have you tried connecting to these networks before? I have a feeling the latter is true because that’s the only way a phone can connect to a network whose SSID is broadcast.

The solution: let your phone “forget” these networks.

Galaxy Note 5 can’t get 4G signal after an update

Problem: Just did a system update and Internet is super slow. Don’t get 4G sign anymore only E. Must use phone on wifi to send emails.

Related Problem: The phone deleted my photos and i cant connect to the Internet it never shows 3g or 4g help please thank.

Troubleshooting: First of all, make sure 4G LTE is enabled in your device as it may have been turned off after the update. If it’s enabled but the phone is still not getting the appropriate signal, then call your provider right away as it may be a problem with the APN. This problem is common to international variants but it could also happen to devices that are carried by any carrier or service providers. There’s also a possibility that it’s a problem with the APN or provisioning but either way, you need help from your provider.

Galaxy Note 5 only gets 3G coverage instead of 4G

Problem: Hi. I’ve recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and I’m using it in UK on Vodafone. The problem is that I only get 3g internet connection. No 4g what so ever. On my previous phone Galaxy Note 4 I used to that 4G+ in some places. Can you tell me if I have to do some APN settings or anything else? Thank you and looking forward to hear from you.

Troubleshooting: Just like the previous problem, just make sure 4G LTE is enabled in your phone and if so and you aren’t getting the signal that you should be getting, then call your service provider and have it cleared on their end. As to the APN, you may verify it with the rep. I know there are tons of information about Vodafone’s APN settings but just to make sure you get it right, talk with the rep and ask for it.

Can’t multitask on the Galaxy Note 5 while on a call

Problem: Sorry no new aps installed. Ever since upgrading my phone from a Note 3 to a Note 5 I cannot multitask like check a customers web site or check me e-mails while on a phone call. Please help. — Rick

Answer: Even the entry-level Android phones will allow you to check other things while on a call so I wonder what “cannot multitask” really mean, or what happens when you navigate away from the phone app to check other things? If there’s an error, what does it say? If the call gets disconnected, does it happen in every call? Does this problem exist since day 1? If not, when did it start?

Now, assuming that this problem started to occur just recently or after an update. The solution for this is wiping the cache partition. So try this procedure:

  1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy Note 5 completely.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up and the Home buttons first, and then press and hold the Power key.
  3. Keep the three buttons pressed and when ‘Samsung Galaxy Note5’ shows, release the Power key but continue holding the other two.
  4. Once the Android logo shows, release both the Volume Up and Home buttons.
  5. The notice ‘Installing system update’ will show on the screen for 30 to 60 seconds before the Android system recovery screen is shown with its options.
  6. Use the Volume Down key to highlight the option ‘wipe cache partition’ and press the Power key to select it.
  7. When the process is complete, use the Volume Down key to highlight the option ‘Reboot system now’ and hit the Power key to restart the phone.
  8. The reboot may take a little longer to complete but don’t worry and wait for the device to become active.

I’m not really sure if this is just a minor firmware issue or not but if wiping the cache partition won’t help, I suggest you try the master reset. Well, of course, backup all your important data as they will all be deleted during the process.

Some options missing from a webpage

Problem: Hi. Whenever I open my ‘Internet’ and go to my video page (rogers tv video subscriber page) at the bottom it has 2 options ‘video player’ and ‘download’. There was more option besides download prior to me hitting that one once, how do I see the other options again? Help?

Answer: I’m sorry we really can’t relate to this question as we are not acquainted with Rogers’ website. You know, Rogers can give better answer than us since it concerns its website. You better call its hotline and inquire about the options you were missing because maybe they changed the webpage and took away some of the options or transferred them over to another webpage.

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