Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Working Correctly Since Marshmallow Update & Other Related Problems

Android smartphone owners are constantly looking out for the latest software updates that might become available for their phone. The #Samsung #Galaxy #Note4 for example has a long history of software updates. When this device was released in 2014 it was first running on Android KitKat. Today, the android Marshmallow update is already available for the device. Just like any other phone model, this device also can suffer from update related issues. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy Note 4 not working correctly since Marshmallow update & other related problems.

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Note 4 Not Working Correctly Since Marshmallow Update

Problem: Hi! So my Note 4 just received the marshmallow update a few weeks ago and has not worked correctly since. It displays all of the issues that one would get with a firmware issue. Except when I wiped the cache partition and did a factory reset, the problems still persisted. The problems are freezing, and rebooting seemingly randomly.

Solution: Do you have a microSD card installed in your phone? Try taking this out as a corrupt card can usually cause freezing or reboot problems. If your phone doesn’t have a microSD card installed or if the issue still occurs even after removing the microSD card then you should consider manually flashing the previous software version to your phone. Instructions on how to flash your device can be found at several of the popular Android forums online.

Note 4 Slow And Shuts Down

Problem: Note 4: slow and shuts down during a variety of tasks. (Before and after 6.0 update) Did the “power, volume up, home” cleared cache (several times) Finally did master reset Still same problem. Took to best buy and he flashed new. Still will shut down and won’t restart unless I pull battery for a minute. Then even, sometimes it will boot to galaxy note 4 screen and stay there until I pull battery again. I’ve replaced battery (OEM samsung) I know the phone can be repaired but samsung stopped repairing phones till note 7 issue is taken care of. What can I do?

Solution: There’s a big possibility that this could already be caused by a faulty hardware component, possibly the power IC. You will need to have this checked at a service center.

Note 4 Turns Off When Preparing To Update

Problem: Whenever my note 4 is updating, when the preparing to update option is at 20 percent it dies. I’ve tried doing this with phone at 100 percent battery and phone charging but same thing happens. I also have 3 different batteries for the phone so it definitely is not a battery problem. I then have to take battery out for soft reset for the phone to turn on. Sometimes it makes my phone go into the root turn on mode with the letters on the top of the screen. During one update a while ago after i turned it on it went into root mode then for some it actually updated. It hasn’t done it for the most recent update and it annoys me having the option to update pop up all the time so i want to get it fixed. Thanks.

Solution: I’ve listed some of the troubleshooting steps that are recommended for this type of problem below. Perform each step then immediately check if the issue still occurs. If it does then move on to the next step.

  • Connect your phone to its wall charger then try to check if your phone updates successfully this way.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.
  • Try updating your phone using Kies or Smart Switch.
  • One last step to consider is to manually flash the updated firmware file to your phone.

Note 4 Won’t Update To Marshmallow

Problem: I have a note 4 from verizon and It has a t-mobile sim card and it won’t update to marshmallow it says software unavailable try again later Is there any other way I can update it ? Without using a computer ?

Related Problem: Hi there I have a note 4 and need to install newest update. It’s an unlocked Verizon phone and my service is metro pcs. I have checked in the software updates of the phone but it says that it can’t check at this time. I’m guessing it’s because it’s a Verizon phone and I’m using a different network. Thanks!

Solution: The reason why the phone isn’t getting the latest software update is because it can’t access the Verizon update servers. Your phone should be running on the Verizon network to get the update.

To update your phone try doing a factory reset. Make sure to backup your phone data before doing the reset. Once the reset is done try using Kies to update your phone. If this doesn’t work then you should consider manually flashing the updated firmware file to your phone.

Note 4 Crashing And Laggy

Problem: I have a note 4 that was crashing and leggy. I went in to discovery and did a factory reset. It didn’t help. So I was doing another factory reset and battery fell out. The phone is now totally dead and will not turn on. Computer can’t find the device when attached with cable. Pls help. Thanks

Solution: Have you tried charging the phone first for at least 20 minutes? If you are not getting any charging indicator then you might need to get a new battery. If the phone is still unresponsive even with a new battery then you should bring your phone to a service center and have it checked.

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