How to set up email on Galaxy S10 | easy steps to add your email account
If you’re a first time Android user, you may find it a bit confusing where to start if you want set up your email on Galaxy S10. In this short tutorial, we’ll walk you through the easy steps to get it done.
How to set up email on Galaxy S10 | easy steps to add your email account
To add or set up email on Galaxy S10 is straightforward and easy. Aside from you manually entering your account credentials, the rest of the heavy lifting is done by the system. All in all, the entire setup will only take about a minute. If you have a lot of emails for your account though, it may take several minutes for your S10 to sync your messages. Aside from that, all you have to do for majority of the time is wait. So, below are the steps on how to add an email account:
- Open your Email app. In this tutorial, we’ll use the default Gmail app that comes pre-installed in our model Galaxy S10.
- Tap add account icon at the upper right.
- Tap Add account.
- Select the account you want to add (for example Google, Outlook, Yahoo, Exchange, Other).
- Enter your email username.
- Tap Next.
- Enter your email account password.
- Depending on the security settings of your account, your S10 may ask you to verify. Select the verification method for your account to proceed.
- Enter the code and hit Verify. (if you don’t have any verification on your account, just ignore these steps).
- Tap Agree.
- Wait for the device to validate all settings and download your messages.
- Hit Next.
- Hit Next again.
- That’s it!
Congratulations! You have now added you email account on your email app. If you want to add more email accounts, just follow the steps above and you should be good.