How To Fix Corrupted Data Error On PS4
The PlayStation is a popular gaming console that was first released in 2013. The latest version of this console is the PS4 Pro which is capable of playing the latest games in 4K resolution at faster frame rates. Although this is a solid device there are instances when some issues can occur which can become quite annoying. One such issue which we will be troubleshooting today is the corrupted data error on PS4.
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How to Fix Corrupted Data Error on PS4
What to do if your game still won’t work?
Most of the time, doing the two solutions above should be enough to fix game that won’t play due to corrupted data. If your game still won’t play though, the cause of the problem must be something else entirely.
If you’re having an issue with a physical game, it’s possible that the cause may be a dirty or damaged game disc and your PS4 is not reading it. Wipe the game disc with a clean, soft cloth before inserting it to the console.
If the game you’re having an issue with is a digital copy, delete the game entirely, including its saved game files and re-install the game.
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