Easy ways on how to take a screenshot on Huawei P20 Pro

There are four easy ways to take a screenshot on your Huawei P20 Pro. Depending on your preference, you should find any one of these options simple yet effective. If you’re ready to know how to do each of them, check out the steps below.

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Method 1: How to take screenshot on Huawei P20 Pro using hardware buttons

The simplest way to take a screenshot on any Android device is thru the use of hardware keys. On the Huawei P20 Pro, the same is true. Here are the steps on how to use the buttons to easily take a screenshot:

  1. Prepare the screen or app screen that you want to take a screenshot of.
  2. Press & hold the Power button and Volume Down button at same time.
  3. You should see the captured screen after pressing and holding the Power and Volume Down buttons.

Once you’ve captured the screen, you can then edit or share the image.

Method 2: How to take screenshot on Huawei P20 Pro using Smart Assistance

The second way to capture your Huawei P20 Pro screen is by using a special feature called Smart Assistance. Here’s what you need to do exactly:

  1. Open the Settings app or swipe down the notification panel and tap Settings icon.
  2. Select Smart Assistance.
  3. Tap Motion control.
  4. Enable Smart Screenshot under Knuckle Gestures.
  5. Once Smart Screenshot has been enabled, you can start taking a screenshot using your knuckles or scrolling screenshot.

Method 3: How to take screenshot on Huawei P20 Pro using Notification Panel

This one is pretty straightforward. Simply swipe down from the top to pull down the Notification Panel and tap on Screenshot option.

Method 4: How to take screenshot on Huawei P20 Pro using Three-finger Gesture

Another smart way to capture a screenshot is by the use of your fingers. First, you need to enable the option under Smart Assistance menu, just like in Method 2. Here’s how to do that exactly:

  1. Open the Settings app or swipe down the notification panel and tap Settings icon.
  2. Select Smart Assistance.
  3. Tap Motion control.
  4. Select Three-finger screenshot.
  5. Once Three-finger screenshot has been enabled, you can start taking a screenshot using  your three-fingers.

Once you’ve captured the screen, you can then edit or share the image.

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