
How to Block Third-Party Cookies on Galaxy S20 (Chrome browser)

Wondering how to block third-party cookies from storing your information when visiting certain websites? If that is so, then this post is for you. Here’s a quick guide on how to block third-party cookies on Galaxy S20.

When you visit a website, the web servers pass messages to your web browser. These messages are small files that are stored in the browser. And these files are called cookies. Within these files are data pertaining to the web page you visit along with other information you’ve provided to that page.

While most cookies in themselves are harmless, there may be some websites that are developed to gather cookies for not-so-good purposes. Online shopping websites for example, typically use cookies that would record your personal information as you enter the site and save any items in your electronic shopping cart so that you will no longer need to re-enter the same information on your next visit. 

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If somehow you’re concerned about your data privacy and security, then you can just configure your browser to block third-party cookies from saving your information. Read on to learn how to make this happen.

Easy steps to Block Third-Party Cookies on Galaxy S20 Chrome app

With this setting, all cookies and site data from the other sites will be blocked even if that site is allowed on your exceptions list.

There are two types of cookies amassed in Google Chrome browser and they are the first-party cookies and third-party cookies.

First-party cookies are those that are created by the site you visit while third-party cookies are created by other sites that own some of the content including ads or images from the site or web page you visit. 

Aside from blocking all cookies, Chrome also offers an option for you to delete existing cookies and set preferences for certain websites. 

Clearing all cookies will log you out of the websites you’re currently signed into and your saved preferences could be deleted.

And that covers everything in this tutorial. Please keep posted for more comprehensive tutorials, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your new Samsung galaxy s20 smartphone. 

You can also check out our YouTube channel to view more smartphone video tutorials and troubleshooting guides.

ALSO READ: How to Use Biometrics to Secure your Galaxy S20 [Biometrics Authentication]

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