How To Reset Apps On Galaxy S20
To reset apps on Galaxy S20, or any Android phone for that matter, means to clear its cache and data. You would only need to do this procedure if you’re having issues with the app you use.
What it does is bring the app back to its default settings or configuration, as well as delete the old cache and data files. When it comes to fixing app-related problems, this procedure is very effective.
It deletes all the user’s personal data, so if you’ve setup your account, it will be deleted and you will have to login again after doing it. However, if you’ve recently updated the app, the update will remain and the app won’t go back to the previous version.
It is important that you know how to do this procedure because you wouldn’t know when you will encounter an issue that prevents you from using a certain app. Or, if you’re currently having an issue, then continue reading as we may be able to help you.

Resetting Apps on Galaxy S20
The cache and data of the app you might be having issues with are now deleted. Reopen the app and set it up to be able to use it again.
Some FAQs About App Reset
At this point, we would like to answer some questions about this procedure.
Yes. The cache and data files will surely be deleted along with your account, settings and preferences. If you’ve downloaded some files using the app and those files remain in the directory created by the app itself, then they will also be deleted.
If it’s just a third-party application, then you can uninstall it and then re-download it from the Play Store. Most of the time, this procedure will fix such a problem. If, however, it’s a pre-installed app, then you have no other choice but to reset your phone because it’s possible that the problem is with the firmware already and not just with the app.
Absolutely! In fact, it’s the most effective solution to problems wherein the apps keep crashing or closing by themselves. We already recommend resetting the app first before resetting your phone.
And that’s pretty much it, folks.
I hope that this simple tutorial has been able to help you reset apps on Galaxy S20. Please support us by subscribing to our channel. Thanks for reading!