How To Fix Instagram Crashes On Galaxy S20
Instagram crashes on Galaxy S20 are often not serious. App-related problems like this are pretty minor and you may be able to fix them by troubleshooting the app in question, or your phone. That’s what we’re going to do in this article. We will determine if the problem is with the app or your device.
So, in this post, I will guide you in fixing Instagram that keeps crashing on your new S20. We will try consider all possibilities and rule them out one after another until we can figure out the reason why the app crashes on your galaxy s20.

Fixing Instagram Crashes On Galaxy S20
After the reset, you will have to set up your phone again and once you’ve successfully done that, download Instagram first before any other app and try to see if it runs properly.
There are also times when server issues will cause an app to crash. In fact, there have already been situations wherein Instagram just won’t work all of the sudden. But most of the time, server issues would only last less than an hour.
So, if you were able to use Instagram and then it started crashing without apparent reason, try to wait about an hour or two before using it again, that is if the solutions above don’t work.
I hope that this troubleshooting guide has been able to help you fix Instagram crashes on your galaxy s20.
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