How to sync Fitbit Versa to Android
Syncing a Fitbit device is easy. In this short tutorial, we’ll show you how to sync a Fitbit Versa to an Android phone or tablet. We hope you’ll find this tutorial helpful.
Before we proceed, we want to remind you that if you are looking for solutions to your own #Android or Fitbit issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page. When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.
How to sync Fitbit Versa to Android
Are you an Android user and wondering how to sync your Fitbit Versa to your device? This troubleshooting guide should help you.
How does Fitbit Versa sync?
If you’ve been using electronic devices for some time now, you’ve probably heard about the word “sync” or “syncing” by now. Syncing is short for synchronizing and basically means transferring data from one device to another. In the context of your Fitbit Versa, this means transferring the information or data collected by your watch to your account dashboard, or to your phone or tablet’s Fitbit app dashboard. The dashboard is where you can keep track of the activities that you’ve been doing such as your goals, the amount of hours of sleep, the amount of water and food you’ve taken, challenge friends, etc. In order to sync, your Fitbit Versa has to work with your phone, tablet or phone using Bluetooth. Make sure that Bluetooth function is working on both devices.
How to sync Fitbit Versa with Fitbit app
If set up properly, your Fitbit Versa data will sync on its own to your phone or tablet’s Fitbit app. There are a couple of settings that you can enable to happen. For best results, you want to keep sync turned on all day.
If you opt not to turn on sync all day, consider syncing your data for at least once everyday. If your phone, tablet, or computer is within range of your Fitbit device, is should sync on its own. On the Fitbit app, you can also tap on Sync Now to initiate syncing anytime.
In order to manually sync your Fitbit Versa with Fitbit app:
- Ensure Bluetooth is turned on the watch and on your Android device.
- Open the Fitbit app on your Android.
- Tap on Today tab (the middle icon at the bottom).
- Press and hold on the screen and pull down.
How to sync Fitbit Versa to your Android device
In order to sync your Fitbit Versa to your Android device using Sync Now:
- Ensure Bluetooth is turned on the watch and on your Android device.
- Open the Fitbit app on your Android.
- Tap on Today tab (the middle icon at the bottom).
- Tap your Profile picture.
- Tap the image of your Fitbit Versa device
- Tap Sync Now.
How to check when your Fitbit Versa last synced
If you want to know the time and date that your Fitbit Versa last synced, there are two ways to do that. One if by using the Fitbit app on your phone, tablet, or computer, and the other is by going to dashboard.
How to check when your Fitbit Versa last synced using Fitbit app
If using the Fitbit app, follow these steps:
- Open the Fitbit app on your Android.
- Tap on Today tab (the middle icon at the bottom).
- Tap your Profile picture.
- Tap the image of your Fitbit Versa device.
At the top, you should see your device’s name, data when device last synced, firmware version, and battery level.
How to check when your Fitbit Versa last synced using Fitbit app
If you want to access your dashboard instead, you can log in to your Fitbit account. Here’s how it’s done:
- Go to you
- Click the gear icon.
You should see the last time your device synced at the bottom of your Fitbit device.
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My Fitbit Versas (both versions, Versa 2 previously and then a new Versa 4 for the past 3 months) were forgetting that it had done a sync on prior days. The sync has been accomplished successfully each day, according the android phone app. Yet the next day it regularly forgets that it has accomplished those previous syncs. I have gone through The Droid Guy steps to accomplish the syncs properly… so I know it has done the syncs. The device being used to sync with the Fitbit Versa is a OnePlus 5T, OxygenOS version 10.0.1. There are no error messages displayed to indicate any problems during or after syncing – it just forgets previous day syncs.
Are there further steps to debug this issue? Surely this petsonal fitbit and device are not the only ones with þhis issue.