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How to fix a Galaxy J5 that randomly reboots and stuck in Samsung logo screen

Are you having trouble with your #GalaxyJ5 lately? Today’s troubleshooting article answers some common problems of the Galaxy J5. Be sure to scan all the issues below to see if any looks similar. Android troubleshooting steps are usually the same across many issues so don’t be surprised if our suggestions may appear familiar.

If you are looking for solutions to your own #Android issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page. When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.

Problem #1: Galaxy J5 won’t install system and app updates

I have a Samsung Galaxy J5. I recently had to purchase a new battery due to the old one randomly shutting the phone off and not holding a charge. For a while, my phone was off and not used. I know my software is old and I am trying to update it. When I go to system updates and press it… it says “update in progress”. I do not see any status bars. It has been doing this for about a week(have restarted the phone) so I feel it is not actually updating. On top of that, when I try to update my installed apps… Google Play says “error checking for updates”. Please help me fix these issues.

Solution: Samsung devices are notoriously late when it comes to receiving system updates. This is even worse in non-flagship devices like the Galaxy J5. it’s possible that your own J5 may no longer be able to get the latest updates at all given low priority alloted for older devices. If checking for updates indicates an available update that can be downloaded but the actual download does not occur, that can mean you’re probably stuck with whatever Android version your J5 runs right now.

As regards app updates though, you should still be able to download them from the Play Store. If you have a problem with that, try removing your Google account from the device then signing back in. if that won’t work, you can also try to delete the data of Google Services Framework app to reset all Google-related apps. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Open Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Tap on More settings at the upper right (three-dot icon).
  4. Select Show system apps.
  5. Find and tap your app.
  6. Tap Storage.
  7. Tap Clear Data button.
  8. Restart your phone and check for the problem.

Problem #2: Verizon Galaxy J5 mobile data won’t work in another network

Hi! I am in need of help please! My mom lives in the US (Texas) and had a Samsung Galaxy J5 on verizon network. She upgraded and sent me the J5. I live in the UK. I contacted Verizon and they insisted the phone (and all their phones) is unlocked and able to be used anywhere. I inserted a giffgaff sim. I had issues with the sim being recognized but i was able to figure out that i need to keep lte/gsm/umts. This allows me to make calls and texts. But I cannot get any data.  I select “global”, the sim is not recognized and can’t make calls or data. But it does show an “H” or “H+” where data symbol is located. If I select “lte/cdma”, same thing – no sim recognized. And no symbols for data show at all – so no “H”. If I select lte/gsm/umts, giffgaff sim is recognized and can use calls and texts. The “H and H+” are showing but doesn’t actually let me use data.

Another odd thing, when I switch on wifi – the 3G symbol shows up. When I take off wifi, the H shows up and 3G disappears. So, I contacted giffgaff community help and they suggested I do the following APN set up. “Username: “giffgaff” APN: “giffgaff.com” password: [Leave blank] Proxy: [Leave blank] MMS settings: APN – Access Point Name: giffgaff.com Username: giffgaff Password: [ leave blank ] MMS MMSC: http://mmsc.mediamessaging.co.uk:8002 MMS proxy: MMS port: 8080 MCC: 234 MNC: 10 APN type: mms Do NOT press the ” Reset Settings ” button when you’ve done this. Just restart your phone. Depending on your device, you may also need to add the following if asked for it: Authentication type = PAP APN type = default,supl,mms APN protocol = IPv4 Bearer = Unspecified”

I completed both of these suggestions and it still won’t allow data. A little H or E will show up but it doesn’t actually connect me to data usage – no internet access, whatsapp, etc.

I know it’s not an issue with the giffgaff signal since I have another phone on giffgaff that I can use data in the same location. 

Solution: There two common cellular technologies being employed by carriers around the world — CDMA and GSM. Each of these technologies are different so smartphones falling under each of these categories have different software and hardware architecture. While some steps have been taken to bridge these technologies to allow interoperability, some functions may not not work still, as what’s happening in your case. Verizon uses CDMA technology while UK networks, if we are not mistaken, are on GSM. While some Verizon devices nowadays are factory unlocked already, not all functions will work in another network. Verizon devices are known to not allow mobile data when used in other networks so it does not surprise us that this is your main concern. Unlike GSM phones, which store subscriber information in an external card or SIM card, CDMA phones bury equivalent information deep within the phone’s software itself. Unfortunately, there’s no universal way to unlock all network functions of Verizon devices. This is the reason why many users of Verizon devices complain that mobile data and MMS won’t work when their phone is on non-Verizon networks. If your current network operator can’t figure how to make mobile data work on your phone, then you’re stuck with what you have.

Problem #3: How to fix a Galaxy J5 that randomly reboots and stuck in Samsung logo screen

My phone switches off even though it is in 70% also around 80% randomly even in 60%. but the worse part is that immediately after switching off it shows that it wanna get back on but it keeps on showing galaxy j5. then after 10 seconds it shows Samsung, therefore it repeats that process for random times.

then when im trying to switch it on it doesnt turn on but then when im putting my charger it shows that it has 0 % charging but it suddenly switched off at a higher percentage. Sometimes after switching off red words are observe on the top left corner but it happens too fast to observe what’s written.

Lastly, sometimes when i plug my phone on a charger it doesnt charge up until i remove and insert my battery which is not a good thing. I will like to have help about this issue thanks.

Solution: There’s a number of possible reasons for this problem. Follow our suggsetions below to fix it.

Recalibrate the battery

The first thing that you want to do in this situation is to check if it’s just a matter of the phone’s operating system losing accurate battery readings. To check, you want to recalibrate the battery so Android will get correct power levels. Getting incorrect battery power levels can lead to premature restarts or charging problems. To ensure that the OS has the right information from the battery, you must calibrate once every few months. Here’s how it’s done:

    1. Drain the battery completely. This means using your device until it powers down by its own and the battery level reads 0%.
    2. Charge the phone until it reaches 100%. Be sure to use original charging equipment for your device and let it charge up completely. Do not unplug your device for at least two more hours and also don’t use it while charging.
    3. After the elapsed time, unplug your device.
    4. Restart the device.
    5. Use your phone until it completely runs out of power again.
    6. Repeat steps 1-5.



Factory reset

Wiping the phone to return its software to its defaults may be necessary if battery calibration won’t help. Make sure to create backup for your files first before doing it.

To factory reset your J5:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  3. When the green Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
  4. Press the Volume down key several times to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset’.
  5. Press Power button to select.
  6. Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  7. Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  8. When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  9. Press the Power key to restart the device.
  10. Let the phone run for 24 hours without adding any apps.

Replace the battery

Factory reset is the last software troubleshooting step that you can try in this case. It gives you a benchmark of your battery performance as well as eliminate possible bug that may be behind the problem. In other words, it helps you check if the issue is software-related or not. If the problem stays after resetting, that’s an indication that the problem is not fixable on your level. In this case, the next troubleshooting step for you is to see if there’s a problem with the battery. The good thing is, unlike Samsung flagship devices, the battery on your J5 is removable, which means you can easily check if it’s faulty or not. Try to borrow another known working J5 battery to see if your phone becomes stable. If you’re lucky, this may be an easy fix.


If nothing changes after you’ve used another battery or after buying a new one, the problem could be due to a motherboard issue. Let a professional check the device so you’ll be advised whether or not repair is necessary.


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