
How to disable Bixby on your Samsung Galaxy S10e

There is no option to permanently disable Bixby on your Samsung Galaxy S10e but we’ve found a workaround so that the service won’t launch due to accidental button press. Some users found Bixby as a useful service especially those who are into using voice commands but majority of us think it’s just kind of gimmicky. So, we want to disable the service because it causes annoyance most of the time rather than being useful.

In this post, I will walk through on how to disable Bixby on your new Galaxy S10e. I will share with you the workaround we’ve been using to silence this service and to prevent accidental launches. If you’ve also been looking for a solution to this kind of problem, then you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading as this article may be able to help you.

But before anything else, if you have another issue with your phone, drop by our troubleshooting page as we have already addressed hundreds of issues reported by the owners. Odds are that there are already existing solutions on our website or at least, there are similar problems we already fixed. So, try to find ones that are similar or related to your problem. If you need further assistance, however, feel free to contact us by filling up our Android issues questionnaire.

Disable Bixby on Samsung Galaxy S10e

When Samsung added Bixby to its flagships, it didn’t include an option to permanently disable the service. So, if you’re looking for that single switch to turn this off, you couldn’t find it. Here’s what you need to do to stop Bixby from opening up on its own…

Login to your Samsung account

Some settings won’t be enabled if you’re not logged into your Samsung account. So, follow these steps to login if you haven’t done so already…

  1. Press the Bixby button.
  2. Touch the Next arrow.
  3. Now enter your Samsung credentials. If you don’t have one, then you will have to create a new Samsung account.
  4. If you’re asked to ‘Use your biometrics’ tap ‘Not now’.
  5. Tap the Next arrow again.
  6. Review the terms and conditions and tap the Next.
  7. Tap the Next for the final time.
  8. And that’s it, you’re logged in.

How To Remap The Bixby Button On Galaxy S10e

Disable Bixby Home on your Galaxy S10e

The next thing you have to do is to turn off or disable Bixby Home on your phone. It’s the screen where Bixby brings you the moment you press that button. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. From the home screen, hold down on empty space until the menu appears.
  2. Swipe to the right to reach the left home panel.
  3. Disable Bixby Home.

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Disable Bixby button on Galaxy S10e

There’s no option to definitely disable the Bixby button. It should still function even after doing this procedure but we can prevent the launch caused by accidental button presses. In other words, we just have to change the way how the button works and here’s how you do it:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap Advanced Features.
  3. Tap Bixby key.
  4. Select Double press to open Bixby.

That’s pretty much it! I hope that this simple tutorial can help you disable Bixby on your Samsung Galaxy S10e. We would appreciate it if you helped us spread the word so please share this post if you found it helpful. Thank you so much for reading!

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