
How much data does Skype use and what to do if it keeps on crashing?

Skype is one of the few instant messaging services that offers call and video conferencing over the Internet. You need to have a stable connectivity to be able to enjoy to the fullest the service it offers. A Wifi connection is recommended but a stable mobile data connection would also do however, you will have to deal with the charges your carrier may impose should you beyond your allotted data allowance.

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Service providers usually charge for download data but there are others who also charge their customers for upload since both are still data transmission. You should ask your provider if you’re being charged with upload data because if you’re using Skype, you’ll be using both upload and download especially if you’re on a video call.

In this post, I will tackle a couple of concerns that were asked by some of our readers. The first question is how much data does Skype use? And the second is how to fix Skype when it starts to keep on crashing? If you’re one of the users who’s wondering about these things, then continue reading as this post may help you or shed some light to your questions.

How much data does Skype use?

When on a video call, you’re both downloading and uploading almost the same amount of data. To give you a hint how much data you actually use while on a call with Skype, here are the figures…

  • Skype-to-Skype calls: 50kbps or around 375KB for one minute of calling
  • Calls to mobile numbers or landlines: 6-20 kbps or around 150KB for one minute of calling
  • Video calls between two mobile phone devices: 500kbps
  • Video calls between a mobile phone and a computer: 600kbps

I am sure that what you want to know is how much data the app uses during video call so here are the figures for video calling depending on the quality of the videos:

  • Standard Video Call – between 60 MB and 130 MB per hour
  • HQ (high quality) Video Call – between 180 MB and 220 MB per hour
  • HD (high definition) Video Call – between 550 MB and 700 MB per hour

Now that I’ve already answered the first question, it’s time to move on to a more pressing issue…

How to fix Skype if it keeps on crashing?

Most of the time, the cause of an app crash could be a minor issue with the app or the firmware but we won’t really know for sure if we didn’t troubleshoot. With that being said, here’s what I suggest you do about this kind of problem…

  1. Forced Restart. The first thing you have to do is to perform the forced reboot procedure especially if it’s the first time you encounter the problem. There’s a chance that it’s just a result of a minor firmware glitch. Most of the time you have to press and hold the volume down and power keys simultaneously for 10 seconds. In other phones, you may just have to press and hold the power key for 30 seconds or more to trigger the forced restart.
  2. Reset Skype. If the forced restart didn’t fix the problem, then you have to do after the app itself. Clear its cache and data so that it will be reset back to its default settings and configuration. If the problem is only with the app, then this procedure is more than enough to fix it. You will have to log back into your account once the problem is fixed. However, if the problem continues after this, then you have no other choice but to do the next procedure.
  3. Uninstall Skype and reinstall it. In some cases, updating the problematic app may do the trick but in this case, it would be better to simply remove it from your phone to also remove all its associations with the firmware and other applications. After that, download Skype from Play Store and reinstall it.

When it comes to fixing problems with third-party applications, these procedures are very effective and I’m confident that one of them with fix the issue with Skype on your phone.

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