
How To Change Galaxy S20 Keyboard Theme

The default Galaxy S20 keyboard is already good that you really don’t need to change anything for it to work. However, Samsung wanted its users to be able to customize almost every aspect, that’s why there are 4 keyboard themes you can choose from. 

That’s what we’re going to show you in this post. We will guide you in changing the theme of your S20 keyboard to fit your preferences. If you don’t know how to do it yet, then continue reading as we may be able to help you.

YouTube video

Changing Galaxy S20 Keyboard Theme

Once you’ve already chosen the keyboard theme you want to use, just close Settings and it will take effect immediately. 

The galaxy s20 keyboard theme you’ve chosen will be used whenever you use the keyboard regardless of the app you’re using. If you want to revert back to the default theme, just follow the same steps and choose Light, or you can simply tap ‘Reset to default settings’ to bring all keyboard settings back to factory defaults. 

Changing the keyboard theme does not change the function and layout of the keyboard, there’s a different setting for that. 

I hope that this post has been helpful one way or the other.

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