What To Do If Ghost Of Tsushima Download Is Slow | Easy Fix

Is your Ghost of Tsushima game download slow? Some PS4 users are reporting to be experiencing this issue recently so if you’re one of them, this guide should help you what you need to do.

What are the causes of slow PS4 download speed?

I’ve personally downloaded Ghost of Tsushima (digital copy) during its release day (July 17) without any slow download issues. However, if you are having a problem now, this can be caused by one of the factors below.

Your subscribed internet speed.

The download speed of your PS4 largely depends on the speed that it’s getting from your Internet line. For example, if you are paying for a 30Mbps internet speed, you can’t expect to have a faster download speed than that. 

The main download size of Ghost of Tsushima, excluding other items and bonus contents, is only 35GB. Compared to, say, Call of Duty Modern Warfare and its updates, which now ballooned to about 180GB, this download size is modest.

If the download speed on your PS4 is still way too slow than your subscribed internet connection speed, there must be other factors that you should check.

Server issues (when downloading a game).

New and popular games tend to suffer from download speed issues during release due to overcapacity. Too many people downloading at the same time can sometimes cause servers to slow down or crash. If your download speed does not improve at all due to this situation, try downloading the game at a later time.

Network equipment glitch.

Slow download issues may occur if your modem or router is glitchy. Make sure to power cycle or reboot your network equipment before you attempt to download the game again.

Wireless signal interference.

If you’re on wifi, it’s possible that your slow download issue is caused by signal interference. There are a number of things at home that can degrade your wifi signals such as other wireless devices, other wifi networks, thick walls, glass, or metal between your console and router.

How to fix slow download of Ghost of Tsushima

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