How to fix Galaxy Tab S5e wifi not working | wifi has no internet

Wifi problems come in many forms. Today’s troubleshooting article provides solutions to Galaxy Tab S5e with wifi not working issue. Find out the troubleshooting steps that you can do in this guide.

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How to fix Galaxy Tab S5e wifi not working | wifi has no internet

Are you having trouble with your Galaxy Tab S5e wifi? There can be a number of possible reasons why wifi may not be working properly on your Tab S5e. Learn what to do to troubleshoot your problem below.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #1: You’re holding it wrong

The new Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e has been the subject of major tech news sources recently due to its major design flaw that affects wifi. Basically, what users discover is that wifi functionality on this tablet appears to be negatively impacted if it’s positioned or held in a certain manner. The problem was confirmed by many news sources as well as by our own team. When held in landscape mode, with the front camera facing left, wifi function may become erratic or even completely disconnects from the network. This probably means that wifi signals, when blocked by your hand, may diminish significantly that it results to this problem. If you’re fond of using your Tab S5e in landscape mode, just like the way we describe above, and its wifi is not working, you may pretty well be a victim of this design error. Since there’s no immediate resolution to this problem right now, what you can do is to simply avoid using the device in landscape mode to have uninterrupted wifi experience. Samsung is scrambling for a fix at this time and since it’s a hardware limitation, we doubt if there will ever be a permanent solution. Still, this one is worth checking if you’re having wifi not working issue on your end.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #2: Confirm wifi is working

If your case is not the one mentioned above, then you should begin your troubleshooting by verifying if there’s any problem with your wifi network. If other wireless devices have similar trouble with the current wifi, the cause of the problem is not your tablet.

It’s important that you clearly identify what particular wifi you’re having here. There can be a number of wifi issues that can occur so you want to be certain which type you’re facing. If your wifi connection has no internet at all, and this is shared by other wireless devices in the same network, that can mean that there’s an issue with the router or with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If wifi appears to be dropping constantly on your tablet, it may be due to an issue with the device itself, or with the router’s side.

In some cases, slow wifi connection is also viewed by some users to be no wifi connection problem. Slow internet may cause apps to not load properly or at all, thereby giving the impression that there’s no wifi internet. Try running a speed test and see how slow or fast the connection is. Try to run at least 3 tests. If the speed results say that connection is way below the speed you’re supposed to get, you must continue troubleshooting to understand where the problem is coming from.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #3: Restart router

When troubleshooting any wifi issue, one of the most important basic things to do is to ensure that you refresh all networking equipment you’re using. If you’re only using a router, then make sure that you reboot it by unplugging it from the power outlet for at least 10 seconds. If you have other gadgets that’s connected to your router, like a hub or a modem, reboot them as well. The goal of this troubleshooting step is to refresh the network starting with the equipment that’s connected to the internet cable outside your home.
If you are not the administrator of the wifi you’re having a problem with, try ask if the above suggestion can be performed to clear up the system. Otherwise, let the administrator of your problem so you can be helped accordingly.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #4: Perform soft reset

A good follow up troubleshooting step to a network refresh is to restart your tablet. The type of restart that you want to perform is called a soft reset. This should clear the system and possibly get rid of the bug as well. To do that, simply press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons for about 10 seconds. Once the phone has restarted, release the buttons. This is usually effective in clearing bugs that developed when a system is left running for some time. We suggest that you restart your Tab S5e using this method at least once a week to lessen the chances of bugs.

For some Galaxy Tab S5e, there may be a slightly different way to arrive at the same method. Here’s how:

  1. Press and hold the Power + Volume Down buttons for approximately 10 seconds or until the device power cycles. Allow several seconds for the Maintenance Boot Mode screen to appear.
  2. From the Maintenance Boot Mode screen, select Normal Boot. You can use the volume buttons to cycle through the available options and the lower left button (below the volume buttons) to select. Wait for up to 90 seconds for the reset to complete.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #5: Reset network settings

Like any other network troubles, this issue may be resolved by resetting the network settings on your device. A bug in your phone’s network configuration may also be causing the problem. Make sure to include reset network settings in your list of troubleshooting to keep network settings in top shape. Here’s how you do that:

  1. From the Home screen, swipe up on an empty spot to open the Apps tray.
  2. Tap General Management > Reset > Reset network settings.
  3. Tap Reset settings.
  4. If you have set up a PIN, enter it.
  5. Tap Reset settings. Once complete a confirmation window will appear.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #6: Check for bad apps

Sometimes, a bad or poorly coded app may prevent wifi from working on Android. To check if that’s the case, try to restart the phone to safe mode then send an MMS. If it works fine, you can bet a bad app is behind the trouble. Here’s how to restart your device to Safe Mode:

  1. Press and hold the Power button until the Power off window appears then release.
  2. Touch and hold Power off until the Safe mode prompt appears then release.
  3. To confirm, tap Safe mode.
  4. The process may take up to 30 seconds to complete.
  5. Upon reboot, “Safe mode” appears in the lower-left of the home screen.

Don’t forget: safe mode blocks third party apps but it won’t tell you which of them is the real cause. If you think that there’s a rogue third party app in the system, you must identify it. Here’s what you need to do exactly:

  1. Boot to safe mode.
  2. Check for the problem.
  3. Once you’ve confirmed that a third party app is to blame, you can start uninstalling apps individually. We suggest that you begin with the most recent ones you added.
  4. After you uninstall an app, restart the phone to normal mode and check for the problem.
  5. If your Tab S5e is still problematic, repeat steps 1-4.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #7: Wipe cache partition

Having a corrupted system cache can lead to all sorts of issues. Android uses a system cache, which is stored in the cache partition, to load apps quickly. Sometimes, this cache gets corrupted during and after an update, or for some other reasons. While this may sound harmless, a corrupted cache can eventually cause performance issues as well as a bunch of other minor annoyances. To ensure that your phone’s system cache is fresh, you can wipe the cache partition. This will force the phone to delete the current cache and replace it with a new one over time.

To wipe the cache partition on your Galaxy Tab S5e:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  3. When the green Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
  4. Press the Volume down key several times to highlight ‘wipe cache partition’.
  5. Press Power button to select.
  6. Press the Volume down key until ‘yes’ is highlighted and press the Power button.
  7. When the wipe cache partition is complete, “Reboot system now” is highlighted.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #8: Restore software settings to defaults

Some forms of wifi troubles are caused by a software fault. To check if that’s the case, you can return all software settings to defaults by performing a factory reset. Make sure to create a backup of your personal data first before wiping the device. Below are the two ways to factory reset your Tab S5e:

Method 1: How to hard reset on Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e via Settings Menu

This is the easiest way to wipe your Galaxy Tab S5e. all you have to do is to go under Settings menu and follow the steps below. We recommend this method if you have no trouble going under Settings.

  1. Create a backup of your personal data and remove your Google account.
  2. Open Settings app.
  3. Scroll to and tap General management.
  4. Tap Reset.
  5. Select Factory data reset from the given options.
  6. Read the information then tap Reset to continue.
  7. Tap Delete All to confirm action.

Method 2: How to hard reset on Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e using hardware buttons

If your case is that the phone is not booting up, or it boots but Settings menu is inaccessible, this method can be helpful. First, you need to boot the device to Recovery Mode. Once you successfully access Recovery, that’s the time that you begin proper master reset procedure. It may take some tries for you before you can access Recovery so be patient and simply try again.

  1. If possible, create a backup of your personal data ahead of time. If your problem prevents you from doing that, then simply skip this step.
  2. Also, you want to make sure that you remove your Google account. If your problem prevents you from doing that, then simply skip this step.
  3. Turn off the device. This is important. If you can’t turn it off, you’ll never be able to boot to Recovery Mode. If you are not able to shut the device off regularly via the Power button, wait until the phone’s battery is drained. Then, charge the phone for 30 minutes before booting to Recovery Mode.
  4. Press and hold the Volume Up button and the Bixby button at the same time.
  5. While still holding the Volume Up and Bixby keys, press and hold the Power button.
  6. The Recovery screen menu will now appear. When you see this, release the buttons.
  7. Use the Volume Down button until you are highlighting ‘Wipe data/factory reset.’
  8. Press the Power button to select ‘Wipe data/factory reset.’
  9. Use Volume Down to highlight Yes.
  10. Press the Power button to confirm factory reset.

Tab S5e wifi not working fix #9: Repair

If your Tab S5e wifi is still not working after a factory reset, you can assume that there’s a deeper issue that you can’t resolve on your end. Make sure to call Samsung so your device can be physically examined and, if needed, repaired.


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