Solved Samsung Galaxy J7 Not Ringing For Incoming Calls
The #Samsung #Galaxy #J7 is a budget friendly Android smartphone that features a large 5.5 inch Super AMOLED display. This is the same display technology used in the company’s flagship phones although this model only sports an HD resolution display. This phone is equipped with an octa core processor as well as 1.5GB of RAM allowing apps to works smoothly. Although this is a solid performing phone there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy J7 not ringing for incoming calls and other related problems.
If you own a Samsung Galaxy J7 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.
If you would like to browse the previous parts in this series then check out this link.
J7 Not Ringing For Incoming Calls
Problem: My phone has suddenly stopped ringing for incoming calls. After restart, it starts ringing. But, after few hours same issue persists. Neither does it ring nor does it vibrate. How do I fix this? My phone ring is on 100% and it is not on silent or vibrate mode. I end up restarting my phone every few days. Facing this issue since few months
Solution: If the problem disappears whenever you restart the phone then this could be caused by a software glitch. You should follow the troubleshooting steps listed below to fix this problem.
- Wipe the cache partition of the phone from the recovery mode.
- Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.
J7 Sound Can’t Be Heard For Outgoing Calls
Problem: hi, I have a J7 and the big problem is with the outgoing calls. The other end claims that my sound fades out. First they hear my sound like I talk with a squeezed nose. And after that the sound drops, or whatever said, It fades out. And If I shut and recall everything gets normal. I factory reseted the phone, used in safe mode, without any app installed but no use. Tried with a different sim card. Everything is good while talking with whatsapp and the headphone, no problem. No water penetration etc. No drop on the floor. I’ve been using the device for 10 months. Everything was o.k. before 2 months ago. The sound is incredible when you talk in the same house, at least 15 meters away from each other. But when I talk with someone 10 km’s away the problem repeats…your helps will be appreciated in this matter..Thank you very much…
Solution: Since you mentioned that you have already performed a factory reset and the problem still occurs then this is most likely caused by a faulty hardware component already. You need to have this checked and repaired at a service center.
J7 No Sound
Problem: I recently just replaced the lcd screen on my Galaxy J7 and when I turned the phone on it said something like firmware is not send root enforcing or something like that.. I’m not exactly sure what I did to the phone as it was quite a while ago that the screen broke anyway I had to take it to a phone shop and have them update firmware as I only have laptop that runs Linux atm and they said they had to fill in all 5 boxes in Odin so it was a pack that they downloaded and it’s now running the latest version… The issue I’m having is that there is no sound when I play any sort of media but ringtone and notification tones are fine and also the phone is lagging quite bad
Solution: Try checking the sound setting of the phone and make sure that the media volume is set to its maximum level.
- From the Home screen tap on Apps
- Tap on Settings then Sounds and Vibration
- Go to Media and make sure that it is set to its maximum level.
If the issue remains then I recommend that you backup your phone data then do a factory reset. Once the reset is complete check if the issue still occurs. If it does then you will have to bring this to a service center and have it checked.