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How to Show Taps on Google Pixel 7

This post will walk you through activating a preloaded advanced Android developer feature that makes visual feedback for taps visible on the latest Google Pixel smartphone. Here’s a quick guide to show taps on Google Pixel 7.

As a result, every tap or touch event you make on the screen will become visible. Such a feature is ideal when making screen recordings for tutorials and other relevant purposes requiring visual aids.

Benefits of Show Taps/Visual Feedback

With the Show Taps feature enabled, expect to see a small circle showing on the screen wherever your finger touches. This lets viewers see exactly where or which part of the screen you’re touching.

Apart from creating a screencast or screen recording of your phone for tutorials, enabling Show Taps is also useful for accessibility purposes as visual feedback on screen touches can help those who have difficulty with precise motion.

Aside from screen taps and touches, you can also tweak the system to show the pointer’s location. Doing so will show lines on the screen, particularly on the area where you’ve touched. Aside from the lines, you will also see that data about your inputs in the upper part of the display. 

Enabling pointer location usually comes in handy whenever there’s a need to scrutinize a problematic segment of your phone’s display.

If you no longer want your phone to display on-screen tap events, then you can just repeat the same steps to return to the Developer options menu and then turn off the Show Taps option.

And that’s how to configure the new Google Pixel 7 smartphone to display visual feedback for on-screen taps.

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