Samsung Galaxy S7 Text Message Sending Has Failed Error & Other Related Problems

If you are a person who regularly uses text messaging for communications then you should get a smartphone that has the right screen size for you to be able to read the messages as well as easily compone one. The #Samsung #Gaalxy #S7 is one such device that’s great for this purpose since it has a 5.1 inch Super AMOLED display. The screen real estate allows for just the right size keyboard which allows people to type in their messages easily. Although this is a reliable communications tool there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy S7 text message sending has failed error & other related problems.

If you own a Samsung Galaxy S7 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.  

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S7 Text Message Sending Has Failed Error

Problem: I have a Samsung S7. When I send a text message I know it gets delivered, however, a “transmission wheel” keeps spinning for a couple of minutes and then I get an exclamation mark. If I click on it, it tells me that “sending has failed” and yet I know that the message has been sent successfully. I see that a lot of people are having this problem. Help!

Related Problem: When sending a text message i get notifications that it fails to send BUT it actually does send the message. The notification is with a red exclamation mark in a white circle on the left side of message. I have restarted my phone, took the sim card out, force stopped messages along with clearing data and cache. Please help!!! I am clueless to this phone. Thanks

Related Problem: I can send mms text messages, but when I send sms text messages my phone says that my sms text failed sending. Not only that, but they actually are being sent to whoever I text I just get a message saying failed to send message. I tried everything to fix the problem rebooting it, wiping cache, master reset, and still nothing seems to fix it. It also says in message details delivery report not requested & status failed. Can you help me?

Solution: What you will want to do first in this case is to restart your phone. This will reset your connection to the network and refresh your phone circuit which could usually fix this kind of problem. In case the issue still persists after then proceed with the troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Check the signal strength that your phone is getting from the network. If you are getting a weak signal then this might be what’s causing the problem.
  • Try clearing the cache and data of the text messaging app.
  • Check if the issue occurs when the phone is started in Safe Mode. If it doesn’t then you might have downloaded an app that is causing this problem. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Try wiping the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

S7 No Text Notification If Message App Is Open

Problem: I have a new galaxy s7 using the default message app. When I am texting with someone my phone does not tone or vibrate when a text comes in from the currently visible and active conversation. My s3 default app vibrated/toned for EVERY message that came in. Is there a way to make my s7 do the same?

Solution: This is a feature change that’s present in the new software version of the phone. When your messaging app is open and you receive a text message you won’t get the vibration or sound notification since if the app is open then it’s very likely that you are monitoring the messages. This is one of the ways the phone can save on battery life.

S7 Cannot Schedule Text Messages

Problem: Cannot schedule messages to some of my contacts. The send button is green on those few that I can’t schedule while the ones I can have an orange color send button. Why?

Solution: Here’s what you need to do to schedule a text message.

  • From the Message compose screen, tap the Menu button (in the upper right corner) then tap on Schedule message.
  • Set the date and the time you want to send out the message.
  • Finish typing the message then tap Send button.
  • The message will sit in the conversation and get sent out automatically on the scheduled time.

In case this doesn’t work then you will need to do some of the additional troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Try clearing the cache and data of the text messaging app.
  • Check if the issue also occurs in Safe Mode. If it doesn’t then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Try wiping the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

S7 Pictures Sent Get Delayed

Problem: This is in regards to texting. My husband and I both have a S7. Whenever I send a picture with a text message, the picture isn’t received until long after the message. It leads to a lot of confusion, and it didn’t do this when we first got the phones. I checked message settings but didn’t see any obvious remedies. Thank you

Solution: There’s a possibility that this is a connection related problem. Are you getting a strong mobile data signal ( 4G LTE)? If not then it will take some time for the pictures to upload and download from the phone while text messages take just a short time.

If your phone has a strong and fast mobile data signal and this issue is happening then proceed with the troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Try clearing the cache and data of the text messaging app from the application manager.
  • Try to check if the same issue occurs when the phone is started in Safe Mode. If it doesn’t occur in this mode then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it.
  • Try wiping the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

S7 Not Sending Or Receiving Group Texts After Software Update

Problem: My S7 did a system update and now I can’t send or receive group texts. When I try to add a APN it doesn’t save! We have Consumer Cellular. Need to fix adding APN and need settings for Consumer Cellular for group texts.

Solution: Did you get this phone directly from Consumer Cellular or was this phone unlocked then used in this network? If this is an unlocked device then there’s a possibility that its original carrier has locked the accessing and changing the APN setting. The workaround to this is to flash the phone with a firmware version that allows the APN setting to be edited.

In case you got this phone from Consumer Cellular then the problem could be caused by some old software data that has not been completely removed and is now causing a conflict with the new software version resulting in this problem. To fix this you will need to backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

Listed below are the APN settings that you need.

  • Name: ConsumerCellular
  • APN: ccdata
  • Proxy: Not Required
  • Port: Not Required
  • Username: Not Required
  • Password: Not Required
  • Server: Not Required
  • MMSC:
  • MMS proxy:
  • MMS port: 80
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 410
  • Authentication type: default, mms

S7 Receiving Text Message With Random Characters

Problem: After I send a text message another text will follow with a bunch of random letters and numbers and symbols . How do I stop this from happening? I’ve already disabled the hangouts app and set my android message app as default.

Solution: This appears to be caused by a software glitch. Try clearing the cache and data of the text messaging app first from the recovery mode then check if the issue still occurs. If it does then perform the additional troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Wipe the cache partition of your phone from the recovery mode.
  • Backup your phone data then do a factory reset.

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