Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Stuck In Recovery Booting After System Update Issue & Other Related Problems

The #Samsung #Galaxy #S7Edge is one of the most elegant smartphone models that the South Korean giant has released. This phone sports a 5.5 inch 1440 x 2560 pixels  Super AMOLED display that curves around both edges. Made mostly of glass and metal it really feels great to hold on your hand. Not to be outdone is the internal hardware of the phone which is one of the most powerful to date. The phone can run any app with ease while its camera can take excellent quality photos. While this phone is known for its reliability there are also instances when issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy S7 Edge stuck in recovery booting after system update issue & other related problems.

If you own a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.  

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S7 Edge Stuck In Recovery Booting After System Update

Problem: Phone attempted to do a system update, now flashes Samsung screen with recovery booting in top left over and over I have tried all the button combinations suggested on the page with no results as no menu ever appears

Solution: While software updates are meant to improve the performance of the phone sometimes certain issues can occur because of the update. In this case your phone is stuck in the recovery booting screen. The recommended troubleshooting steps for this particular problem are listed below.

  • If your phone has a microSD card installed then remove it. Once the card is out do a simulated battery pull. This is done by simultaneously pressing and holding both the power and volume down buttons for at least 10 seconds. You phone should reboot after this.
  • Try starting the phone in recovery mode then wipe its cache partition.
  • Try starting the phone in recovery mode then do a factory reset. Take note that this will erase your phone data.

If the above steps fail to fix the problem then you should bring your phone to a service center and have it checked.

S7 Edge Does Not Turn On

Problem: Hi Droidguy! I have a problem with my phone that has been going on for a while and recently it just decided to not ever turn on or charge. It all started from when a relative of mine cracked the screen and the phone begun to bootloop it has been at least 2 months now and it has suddenly shutdown on me. I have tried to turn it on by pressing and holding the volume/power/and home button but it still won’t work. Would it be because I haven’t updated it for a while? Or could it be the cracked screen? Please Help!!!!

Related Problem: I have a samsung galaxy s7 edge, it’s almost 2 months old. For the past week it keeps turning off and on, but today it’s just a black screen. I’ve tried turning it on and factory reset it, I’ve even tried putting it on charged but the screen still won’t turn on. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have insurance. Please help me.

Solution: If your phone does not turn on then the first thing that you should do is to make sure that the battery is charged. Connect your phone first to its wall charger and charge it for at least 20 minutes. If you are not getting a charging indicator then proceed with the steps listed below.

  • Clean the charging port of your phone using a can of compressed air. Make sure that any dirt or debris stuck in the port is removed.
  • Try charging the phone using a different charging cord and wall charger
  • Try charging your phone using a computer USB port. If your phone charges this way then you have an issue with the charging port of your phone. Have this checked at a service center.
  • Check if the phone charges wirelessly.

Once you get the charging indicator and the battery charges it is time to turn on the phone. To turn on the phone do a simulated battery pull by pressing and holding both power and volume down keys for at least 10 seconds. If your phone does not restart then check if it is able to turn on in recovery mode. From here I suggest that you do a factory reset. Take note that the reset will erase your phone data.

If the problem persists even after performing the steps listed above then this could already be a hardware related issue in which case you need to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.

S7 Edge Flashing Boot Screen With Pixelated Rainbow Lines

Problem: My Galaxy S7 Edge is flashing the Galaxy Edge screen and I see pixelated rainbow lines underneath it. The phone wont turn off or go past this blinking screen. Holding power button does nothing, holding power button with volume buttons does nothing. Phone had at least 30% charge. Not aware of any damage to phone, have had it less than 45 days.

Solution: Try starting the phone in recovery mode. If your phone can access this mode then you should consider doing a factory reset from here. Take note that this will erase your phone data. If the issue persists or if you are unable to access this mode then the display assembly of your phone might be damaged. I recommend that you bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.

S7 Edge Lag In Using Apps After System Update

Problem: After the last system update my phone now has a distinct lag in response to opening and closing any app, it is driving me crazy.  I have twice done the partition cache delete..but still no go, about a 3 to 5 second lag when I close texting or fb or such

Solution: Does your phone have a microSD card installed? If it does then you should try removing this card as this can usually cause the phone to lag if it is faulty. In case the microSD card is not causing this problem then I suggest you backup your phone data and do a factory reset as the problem could be caused by old software data that is causing a conflict with the new software version.

S7 Edge Stuck In Samsung Screen

Problem: When we turn on phone after latest update it loops on the samsung screen wont boot up we actually sent it back it samsung but they wouldn’t look at it unless we paid 300 for the very slight crack in the screen and they sent it back even if we try a hard reset it just loops on the samsung screen even after a month drained  battery

Solution: If your phone has a microSD card installed then try removing it as this could be causing the problem. If the issue remains or if your phone does not have a microSD card then do the following troubleshooting steps listed below.

  • Try connecting your phone to its wall charger then check if your phone will complete the startup process. If it does then you might need to have the battery replaced.
  • Start your phone in recovery mode then wipe its cache partition.
  • Start your phone in recovery mode then do a factory reset.

If the above steps fail to fix the problem then one last troubleshooting step that you can do is to manually flash the phone with its updated stock firmware file.

Feel free to send us your questions, suggestions and problems you’ve encountered while using your Android phone. We support every Android device that is available in the market today. And don’t worry, we won’t charge you a single penny for your questions. Contact us using this form. We read every message we receive can’t guarantee a quick response. If we were able to help you, please help us spread the word by sharing our posts with your friends.

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