How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Unable To Make Calls & Other Related Issues
Welcome to the latest installment of our focused troubleshooting series where we try to resolve the #Samsung Galaxy #Note4 unable to make calls issue. We have selected some of the issues of this nature sent to us by our readers and will be analyzing them and providing the necessary troubleshooting steps which hopefully will lead to a resolution.
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Note 4 Unable To Make Calls
Problem: Phone is claiming and invalid SIM and I am unable to make calls over WiFi. I’ve replaced the SIM with carrier twice and performed a factory reset. The store told me to contact the mfg or t-mobile. When I I stopped into a mobile store, but those folks couldn’t figure it out either. HELP please!
Solution: If your phone is showing an invalid sim error then you won’t make any calls on Wi-Fi or even when using the mobile network. Since the factory reset failed to resolve the issue and changing the SIM does not help either then this may already be a hardware related issue. One possible cause of this problem is a defective SIM tray module. I suggest you bring your phone to an authorized service center and have it checked.
Note 4 Can’t Pick Up Call
Problem: I have a strange issue. I work as an event producer. I used to have a Note 3 and now a Note 4. When I am producing an event, my phone will refuse to let me pick up a call at the most stressful moment. Initially I thought the phone was overheated as it was in my pants pocket. So I tried putting it my shirt pocket or even in a bag with nothing beside it. It happened with both these phone and does not happen in normal situations.
Solution: There may be environmental factors involved when you are not able to pick up a call. Are your hands sweaty during the times when the issue occurs? Sometimes the touchscreen won’t recognize your finger if your hands are wet. Try to make sure that your hands are dry when taking a call.
You should also check if the issue may be caused by an app installed in your phone. To do this you need to start your phone in Safe Mode. In this mode only the default apps are loaded while the third party apps you installed are disabled. Check and see if the problem occurs in this mode. If the problem disappears then an app may be causing this issue. Find out what app is causing this and uninstall it.
Note 4 Not Making Calls If Wi-Fi Is On
Problem: I have to turn my wifi off to make calls. My phone has 5 bars when I have the wifi off and 2 to 3 bars when I turn the wifi back on. Sorry if I sent this twice I have a crappy memory.
Solution: Try turning the Wi-Fi calling feature of your phone off first. To do this go to Setting – scroll the Network Connections – tap More Networks – Make sure the Wi-Fi calling switch is off. Turn on the Wi-Fi feature of your phone then try placing a call.
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I can not call out or text out on my Galaxy Note 4 all of sudden. The only problem I have had today is the fact that my phone asks me if I want “set VZM as your default SMS app
Change messaging app?
Do you want to change your default messaging app from Messenger to Message+?
Why am I getting this and have two forms of messages.?