How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Network Problems

Welcome to our focused troubleshooting series regarding network problems on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. In this installment of the series we will be dealing with signal, connectivity, and SIM related issues just to name a few. If you own this particular model and you can’t connect to the LTE network or if your phone has a SIM error then you have come to the right place as we will tackle these types of issues.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4

In this article we will tackle four problems sent to us by our readers regarding network issues. We will troubleshoot these issues and hopefully provide a satisfactory resolution.

If you own a Galaxy Note 4 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form or you can also send us an email at [email protected]. I however suggest using the form since it’s a much easier method.

We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do send us an email try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.

If you would like to browse the previous parts in this series then check out this link.

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Note 4 Not Getting LTE Signal

Problem: I Live in Israel and I purchased my Note4 about 2 months ago from official Samsung store in my city. Recently my mobile operator Golan Telecom announced that LTE is now free to use by their customers who own supporting phones. there are two versions of Note 4 in Israel, the F and the C models. while F is the one which supports LTE and this is the one i have. When trying to figure how to start using LTE, I was surprised when LTE did not show as an option under “mobile networks” sub- menu in “Settings”. I had few conversations with the mobile operator’s tech-service and Samsung (Israel) tech-service. . Here’s what I got stuck with: The mobile operator claims it’s a common fault of Samsung’s phones, that same problem was known earlier at other Samsung’s phone models, aka Galaxy 5, and they said that after some kind of public (group) request Samsung changed something supposedly at those phone’s software versions and those started recognizing LTE under Golan Telecom provider just fine. They mentioned that other providers in Israel are also mobile phone recellers and that’s why they obtain ability to deal with phone’s software themselves and adjust it to their demand. Which Golan Telecom can not, hence they’re only communication providing company, and they don’t cell phones. Meanwhile, Samsung’s tech-support claims that it is all Golan Telecom’s fault, hence the phone does recognize LTE if sim-card of a different local aerator is incerted. . They say the operator’s systems are not adjusted. I did tell them about that other Samsung phones which ended up working fine, got nothing answered to it, just same “operator’s systems are not adjusted”.. I’d like to point out again, that my phone was bought from the official store of Samsung’s in Israel , and it’s model is F so, by definition it was supposed to be able to recognize the LTE webs in Israel. I am sending with this letter a screenshot of the settings menu mentioned above and a picture of the box my Note 4 arrived from.. P.S -just a thought  – If the fix is only possible by updates, I should probably give up and switch to a different provider, because I can’t see any useful stuff for me in Lollypop, but I do see lot’s of complaints from other Note4 owners who updated to Lollypoop. P.P.S – Golan Télécom is still more attractive provider for me in many ways, so, solving the problem is indeed wanted. P.P.P.S – sorry for too many words. Looking forward for your reply. And thank you in advance

Solution: The way I look at this issue it appears to be software related. You may have to wait for a minor software update to resolve this issue. Just to be sure though try to ask around from other Note 4 owners under the same network you are on. If they also have no LTE signal then it’s definitely a software issue.

Note 4 Refreshing SIM Data Error

Problem: Hi, I was  wondering if you would be able to help me. I’ve been having an issue with my Note 4 for a few months now and I can’t seem to get help with it. I have an unlocked note 4, I purchased from QVC and I use cricket wireless for my carrier. My issue is I keep getting a pop up that says “refreshing sim data” and it will either do it every couple seconds or multiple times a day,there’s no pattern to it and when it happens I seem to lose service. I’ve contacted both Samsung and cricket and both say it’s the others issue to solve and I never get a solution. I’ve troubleshooter with both and even bought a new SIM card. Oh and I believe the problem started with the lollipop update. Can you help? Thanks so much

Solution: If the issue occurs even with a new SIM card inserted in your phone then it then there is a big possibility that this issue is phone related.

What you need to do first is to check the SIM slot for any signs of dirt or lint. This will interfere with the contacts and may cause this type of problem. Clean it if necessary using compressed air or a cotton bud dipped in alcohol.

The next thing you should do is to eliminate any loose issues. If the SIM card moves around in its SIM slot then this issue may also occur. Cut out a piece of paper the size of your SIM card and place it on top of your SIM card when you insert it in your phone. This causes a tight connection and may help resolve the issue.

Finally, if all else fails you should back up your phone data and do a factory reset. This is an important troubleshooting procedure especially if the issue only occured right after a software update.

  • Turn off the phone. If the phone will not turn off, remove and re-insert the battery.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up keys.
  • Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  • When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to restart the device

Note 4 Poor Signal Reception

Problem: Hi Im Sharon from the UK.  I have a Galaxy note 4 and the signal strength is so poor, I cannot get 4g and most of the time the strength is on 1 bar, i also have a Nexus 6 and have no problems with this phone at all signal strength is excellent and 4g is excellent.  Both of my phones are with EE but it makes it impossible for me to use the Galaxy note 4 both in the house and out of the house.  Any suggestions.

Solution: Try swapping the SIM cards from both your phones to check if the issue is SIM related. Inset your Note 4 SIM to your Nexus 6 phone then insert your Nexus 6 SIM to your Note 4 phone. Check if the problem still remains.

If it does then the Note 4 may have an issue with its antenna. Before ruling this as a hardware issue though you should eliminate any software related causes by performing a factory reset. Make sure that you backup your phone data before doing this.

  • Turn off the phone. If the phone will not turn off, remove and re-insert the battery.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up keys.
  • Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  • When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to restart the device

Note 4 Reboots When No Signal Icon Appears

Problem: Hi, My phone keeps re booting only when there is a signal issue with the mobile operator. I get the ‘’no signal icon’’ and then the phone reboots. It happens with every sim I tried, so it can’t be a defective sim card. This has been happening for a few months, I even tried a soft re-set, but to no avail. Please advice. Best Regards.

Solution: With the elimination of the SIM causing the problem we can narrow the problem to the phone. Try to start your phone in Safe Mode to check if a certain app installed in your phone is causing this to happen.

  • Turn the device off.
  • Press and hold the Power and Volume down key.
  • Release the Power key when the Samsung logo appears but continue to hold the Volume down key until the device finishes restarting.
  • Safe mode will display in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Release the Volume down key when you see Safe Mode.

If the issue does not occur in this mode then find out what app is causing this and uninstall it.

If however the problem still occurs even in Safe Mode then I suggest you back up your phone data and do a factory reset.

  • Turn off the phone. If the phone will not turn off, remove and re-insert the battery.
  • Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key.
  • When the phone vibrates, release the Power and Home key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key.
  • When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up keys.
  • Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
  • Press Power button to select.
  • Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  • Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  • When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
  • Press the Power key to restart the device

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