How To Fix ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT Error in Windows 10

Google Chrome is considered to be the most popular and widely used browser nowadays to access a website. Although Chrome browser is a solid browser, there are instances when certain issues can occur when you try to access a website. Normally, when you open a website on Chrome it usually checks for the SSL Certificate ( Security Certificate) of that website. However, if Chrome is unable to verify the authenticity certificate of that website that is when ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error occurs and Google Chrome browser failed to open that website. In today’s post, we will be talking about the possible cause for the error message and also the recommended troubleshooting solutions to fix Google Chrome ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error in Windows 10.

What to do if ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error occurs

There are several factors that may have caused this particular error to occur such as incorrect date and time on your computer, a corrupt data cache, third party software installed conflicts to an outdated Windows. Listed below are the troubleshooting solutions that you can try to fix Google Chrome ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error in Windows 10.

Solution 1: Sync Date & Time

Estimate Cost : 0

Time Needed : 4 minutes

The very first thing that you need to do when fixing this error is to sync date and time. This is to make sure that your computer has the correct date and time. The SSL certificate validation date should be compatible with the date and time on the system clock of your computer/To do this:

  1. Right click on the Date and Time section located at the lower right

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTThis will open a small window.

  2. Click Adjust Date/Time option

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTIt’s often the second option from the top.

  3. Make sure option “Set Time automatically” is toggled ON

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTThis will match the time of your computer to the Windows server.

  4. Make sure option “Set time zone automatically” is toggled ON.

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTThis will depend on your region, which is often based on your IP Address.

  5. Click Sync now tab under Synchronize your clock section.

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTThis will automatically adjust the time and date of your computer.

  6. Exit Date and Time Settings.

     ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERTThat’s pretty much it!

  • Time and Date
  • Windows 10

Restart chrome and then access the website again. Check if the same error still occurs.

Solution 2: Clear Browser Data Cache on Chrome

There are times when Browser cached data on Google Chrome get corrupted thereby causing error message to occur and user is unable to access a website. To fix it, try to clear browser data cache and then check if the error will be fixed.

To do this:

  1. Open Google chrome
  2. Click on the 3 vertical dots located at the upper right
  3. Click More tools from the drop down menu.
  4. Click Clear browsing data from the drop down menu, a new window opens
  5. At new window, you can choose the Time range from when computer started to experience the error. Or you can choose ALL time option.
  6. Make sure all options below time range are checked
  7. Click clear data to start clearing browser cache. wait for it to complete.
  8. After clearing browser data, restart computer.

Once computer completely reboots, open chrome and then access the website again. Check if error ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT still occurs.

Solution 3: Disable SSL/TLS Protocol filtering from third party software

As mentioned, error ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT usually appears if there are third party software conflicts installed and the SSL certificates of the website.. To fix this, you may need to disable the SSL/TLS protocol filtering from the third party software.

Solution 4: Temporarily Disable Antivirus Program

Antivirus programs or third party antivirus software on your computer can cause conflicts with SSL certificate validation causing error message to appear. To check if this is the culprit, try to temporarily disable antivirus program. If after disabling the antivirus and the error has been fixed, it is then recommended to change to another antivirus program and or reinstall antivirus. Note: Make sure to enable antivirus again to keep computer protected from virus and threats.

For Windows Defender:

  1. Click on the Start or Windows logo key located at the lower left
  2. Click Settings an icon that looks like a gear to open Windows Settings section.
  3. At Windows settings section, click Update and Security.
  4. Click Windows security at the left pane.
  5. Click Virus and Threat protection from the protection areas section. A new window opens.
  6. At the new window, click Manage settings from Virus and Threat Protection settings.
  7. Toggle OFF Real-time protection.
  8. Restart your computer.

For AVG:

  1. Double-click on AVG icon located at on system tray
  2. Click Temporarily disable AVG protection.
  3. Select how long you want AVG to be turned off and whether you want AVG to disable its Firewall too. Click on OK to disable the antivirus program.

For McAfee:

  1. Double-click on McAfee icon located at on system tray.
  2. Click Exit.
  3. A dialog box warning you that McAfee protection will be turned off, click Yes to disable the antivirus program.

For Avast:

  1. Double-click on Avast icon located at computer system tray.
  2. Click Avast shields control.
  3. Locate the options to disable the program – the options are to disable it for 10 minutes, an hour, until the computer is restarted or permanently (until you yourself turn it back on). Select whatever option suits you best and use it to disable the program.

Open chrome and then access the website again. Check if error ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT still occurs.

Solution 4: Check for and Install Windows Update (If Available)

An outdated Windows operating system can also cause issues on your computer. It is recommended to regularly check for and install pending Windows update for the latest version.

To do this:

  1. Press Windows key or Start button located at the lower left.
  2. Click Settings, an icon that looks like a gear. This will open Windows Settings.
  3. At left pane, click Windows Update
  4. On Windows Update screen, click Check for Update at right pane. Windows will now check for available updates and automatically install updates if there are any.
  5. Restart computer.

Once computer completely reboots, Restart Google chrome and then access the website again. Check if SSL certificate error still occurs.

Solution 5: Update Google Chrome Browser

The next solution is to Update Google Chrome. An outdated version of Google Chrome can also cause issues when accessing a website such as ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error . Make sure to update Google Chrome to the latest version and then check if the error will be fixed.

To do this:

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click on three vertical dots located at the upper right corner. Alternatively, at the address bar of chrome browser, type the following and press Enter “chrome://help”. This step also updates the chrome browser automatically.
  3. Choose Help from the drop down menu.
  4. Choose About Google Chrome from the drop down menu.
  5. At new Window, Chrome will automatically check for updates.
  6. After chrome finished checking for update and is up to date, Close the browser.

Restart chrome and then access the website again. Check if ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error still occurs.

After following the solutions mentioned, you will successfully fix Google Chrome ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error in Windows 10. For more troubleshooting videos, feel free to visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel.

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