How to find IMEI Number on Galaxy Note 9

The International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a unique number that your service provider uses to identify devices that access the network. It is very important because it’s used to provision your device to receive service so that you can make calls or send text messages. Most of the carriers in the U.S. also use IMEI verify accounts and if you call tech support, you may be asked what the IMEI of your phone is.

Manufacturers make it easy for customers to find the IMEI because they know how important it is. If you’re an owner of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 or any smartphone for that matter, it’s important you have a copy of the number that you can access easily. In this post, I will give you five easy ways to know the IMEI of your device so continue reading as this post may be able to help you.

Before going further, if you found this post because you were trying to find a solution to your problem, then try to visit our troubleshooting page as we’ve already addressed most of the commonly reported issues with the phone. We’ve already provided solutions to some of the problems reported by our readers so try to find issues that are similar with yours and use the solutions we suggested. If they don’t work for you and if you need further assistance, fill up our Android issues questionnaire and hit submit.

  • Finding Galaxy Note 9 IMEI via service code – for me this is the easiest way to know the IMEI of your phone. You just have to memorize the code ⋇#06# which you have to dial on the phone app and the number will be shown to you right on the screen of the device.
  • Finding IMEI through Settings menu – another way to find out the IMEI of your Note 9 is by going to Settings > About phone and you can see immediately the number. You may navigate to Status under About phone then touch IMEI Information and finally, IMEI number.
  • Using Google’s Find My Phone service – since you own an Android, you should have your Google account. Log on to Google Dashboard > click Android > click Find Your Devices > choose the device you want to show the information about and then click the Device Information icon (circle with lowercase I in it) to view the IMEI.
  • Finding IMEI on the packaging – if you still have the box of your phone then it would be a lot easier to find the number if you do because it’s printed on it.
  • Using Samsung+ to find IMEI – this will require you to have a Samsung account and Samsung+ installed on your device to be able to view the number; the Serial number stored in Samsung+ is actually your phone’s IMEI number.

I hope that one of these methods can help you find the IMEI number of your Samsung Galaxy Note 9.


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