How to fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 that keeps rebooting randomly (easy steps)

Firmware issues may occur every now and then and you would know if that’s the problem with your phone because you may encounter some sluggishness, freezes, lags and sometimes, random reboots. You would know how serious the problem could be depending on how often the it occurs. For instance, if the reboots occur a one or two times a day, you can consider that a minor problem but if it occurs 3 or more times a day, then that’s a sign that there really is something wrong with your phone.

Random reboots are often a sign of a firmware issue but it could also be a symptom of a hardware problem. For example, if there’s a problem with the battery, it may trigger the reboot every now and then. Hardware problems should always be treated as serious and you should immediately seek assistance from an authorized technician so that it won’t become more complicated.

In this post, I will share with you the solution we often use to phones that keep on rebooting by themselves including Samsung flagships. But bear in mind that we can only do so much if the problem is really serious. Nonetheless, as the owner, you should do something to try and fix the problem with your phone. So, continue reading as this post may help you.

Before going further, if you found this post because you were trying to find a solution to your problem, then try to visit our Galaxy Note 8 troubleshooting page as we’ve already addressed most of the commonly reported issues with the phone. We’ve already provided solutions to some of the problems reported by our readers so try to find issues that are similar with yours and use the solutions we suggested. If they don’t work for you and if you need further assistance, fill up our Android issues questionnaire and hit submit.

How to fix Galaxy Note 8 that keeps rebooting on its own

YouTube video

First off all, I would assume that your phone didn’t suffer from physical damage due to a drop on a hard surface or hasn’t be submerged in water for a long period of time. Even if it’s water resistant, there’s always a chance of a liquid damage so if by any chance you think your phone has either physical or liquid damage, bring it to the shop immediately because there’s only so much you can do about it.

Now, assuming your phone neither has physical nor liquid damage, here’s what you should do:

Wipe the cache partition

That’s right! Deleting all system caches will most likely fix reboot issues with your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 because the most common cause of this problem are the corrupt system caches. By wiping the cache partition, you’re not actually deleting those caches, you’re also replacing them with new ones.

System caches may be corrupted or become obsolete during firmware updates regardless whether they’re minor or major ones. That’s the reason why we often suggest to our readers to delete them from time to time. The thing is, you don’t actually have access to individual cache so you have to delete them all at once and you can only do that by wiping the cache partition. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  3. When the green Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
  4. Press the Volume down key several times to highlight ‘wipe cache partition’.
  5. Press Power button to select.
  6. Press the Volume down key until ‘yes’ is highlighted and press the Power button.
  7. When the wipe cache partition is complete, “Reboot system now” is highlighted.
  8. Press the Power key to restart the device.

After this, continue using your phone like you always do to know if the problem still persists or not. Assuming your Galaxy Note 8 still reboots by itself after this, then the problem isn’t just with the system caches. In this case, you have to do the next procedure.


Alternate solution: Master Reset

I am pretty sure you know what a reset is and how to do it but before you do so, I just want to let you know that this procedure will delete all your files and data that are stored in your phone’s internal storage. Therefore, make a point to make a backup of files you don’t want to lose as you may not be able to retrieve them after the reset.

After the backup, remove your Google account from your phone so that you won’t be locked out of your device after the reset due to the Factory Reset Protection. Once everything is set and ready, follow these steps to reset your phone:

  1. Back up data on the internal memory. If you have signed into a Google account on the device, you have activated Anti-theft and will need your Google credentials to finish the Master reset.
  2. Turn off the device.
  3. Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Bixby key, then press and hold the Power key.
  4. When the green Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
  5. Press the Volume down key several times to highlight “wipe data / factory reset.
  6. Press Power button to select.
  7. Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
  8. Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
  9. When the master reset is complete, “Reboot system now” is highlighted.
  10. Press the Power key to restart the device.

I hope that our solution works for you. If you have other concerns you want to share with us, please leave a comment below.

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