How To Fix PS4 CE-30005-8 Error (Cannot Start Application) | NEW in 2025!

Are you having trouble playing a game or application and getting error CE-30005-8 on your PS4? If you do, you either have an easy issue to fix at hand, or a serious problem that requires tinkering with the hardware. Learn what you can do about this issue by continuing with this guide.

What are the causes for PS4 CE-30005-8 Error?

If you are getting a CE-30005-8 error when you try to play a game or open an application on your PS4, the cause of the problem is likely a hardware malfunction. In most cases, the reasons can be either a bad disc player or a broken hard disk drive. For others, it may be traced to a software issue or a game disc damage. Let’s talk about each of these things quickly below.

Bad Blu-Ray/DVD reader.

Over the years, many PS4 players have reached out to us about their PS4 no longer reading any disc that they insert and in many of these instances, they almost always get the error  CE-30005-8. 

If you are getting this error on your PS4 whenever you try to play from a physical disc, it’s likely that your console is having problems reading a game. This can occur if your PlayStation 4 Blu-Ray/DVD reader is not working properly, or if it’s been damaged for some reason. 

This type of problem can be temporary or permanent, depending on the condition of your hardware.

Scratched or cracked disc.

If you only encounter CE-30005-8 when inserting a particular game into the PlayStation 4 DVD player, and the rest of your games work just fine, your issue may lie with this game only. You want to ensure that your game disc is in good condition before you insert it to your PS4 DVD reader to avoid problems. 

Damaged hard drive.

For other PS4 players, CE-30005-8 can be an error that indicates a problem with the internal hard disk drive, or the external hard drive. 

If this error shows up regardless of what application or game you’re trying to run, you may have a storage or hard disk drive issue.

Corrupted PS4 software.

In some rare cases, CE-30005-8 may occur due to a corrupted PlayStation 4 software, or a bad database. Either case has been documented to be responsible for this problem for some time now. What you can do to fix this error is to either rebuild the database or reformat the hard disk drive.

How to fix CE-30005-8 error on the PS4?

Knowing the cause of PS4 error CE-30005-8 is only a part of effectively dealing with it. You also need to do the proper solutions to fix it for good. Below are some of the known fixes for this problem.

Ensure that software is fully updated.

First, you want to ensure that the software environment of your PS4 runs the latest update. This means updating all games, applications, and software.

Once you’ve done the update option, you can begin doing the solutions that follow.

Get rid of mods.

If your PS4’s software has been modified, we suggest that you revert it back to its official version. Some users have reported to us that this was a working solution for them.

Clean game disc.

If CE-30005-8 only shows up when inserting one game disc, be sure to clean that game properly. You can wipe it with a clean, soft cloth or a micro fiber cloth to remove dust, fingerprints, and dirt. 

If your game disc is cracked or has deep scratches, it can cause reading issues for the PS4. Only use discs that are cleaned and in good condition.

Keep in mind that your PS4 can continue reading discs that have scratches on them most of the time. However, you want to consider replacing the game that gives you the error if you see that the disc has severe scratches or cracks in it.

Delete game data from hard drive.

Another thing to do here, especially if you are only having an issue with a single game, is to delete that game’s data from your console. It’s possible that the game data has been corrupted so everytime you try to load a save point, it causes the PS4 to crash.

If necessary, try to delete the game entirely from the hard drive and reinstall it from scratch. 

This should help you tell if you’re dealing with a single game only, or if it’s something else.

If you save game data like saved games in an external hard drive, make sure that you also delete those before reinstalling the game.

Rebuild PS4 database.

If you continue to get CE-30005-8, you can try rebuilding the system database of your PS4 to resolve the error. To rebuild the database means using safe mode option. You must do this if the error happens in all your games or applications and not just one. 

To rebuild the database, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the PS4 completely.
  2. When the device is off, press and hold the Power button. Release it after you’ve heard two beeps: one when you initially press, and another about seven seconds later.
  3. Once the PS4 boots into “Safe Mode,“ connect a DualShock 4 controller to your PS4 with a USB cable and press the PS button.
  4. Select the option “Rebuild Database”.
  5. Wait for the process to complete then restart the PS4.

Replace the hard drive.

If none of the solutions above has worked at this point, the most likely culprit is your hard drive storage. It can be the default internal hard drive or the external hard drive that you’ve added. This depends on what type of setup you have. Either way, you want to make sure that you replace the hard drive to fix this error.

Suggested readings:

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