How To Fix FIFA 21 Won’t Install (Download Issues) | NEW in 2025!
Are you having a hard time downloading or installing FIFA 21? In this troubleshooting guide, we’ll show you the factors that can cause this problem as well as a short list of solutions that you can try if FIFA 21 won’t install.
Causes why FIFA 21 won’t install
These are several factors that can affect the download performance of your PC or console and prevent the system from installing a game.
Local network connection problems.
If your internet connection is too slow, or if it keeps dropping, your console or PC may take a long time to gather all files, or may even get corrupted files. This can block the installation even after you’ve downloaded the installation files.
Server issues.
At times, the cause of download issues may stem from EA servers. What you can do is to attempt downloading the game again at a later time.
Account is signed out.
If you have more than one EA account, make sure that you’re signed in to the correct one that you use to purchase the game.
No hard drive space.
Although there will be a distinct error message that you’ll get if you have low hard drive space, there can times when a bug may block errors from being shown. Be sure that your PC or console has more than enough hard drive space before installing FIFA 21.
PC or console needs a software update.
An outdated software can also be the reason why FIFA 21 may not be installed, even after the PC or console has already downloaded the complete installer package.
You can restart your PC, PS4, or Xbox One and check for system updates before attempting to install the game again.
How to fix FIFA 21 download issues?
In most cases, download issues are easily fixed by a player. Below are the possible solutions that you can try if you are having an issue installing or downloading FIFA 21.
Check minimum and recommended system requirements (PC)
If you play FIFA 21 on PC, you’ll want to make sure that your machine can run this game properly. If your computer does not support the game, or does not meet the system requirements, that can be the reason for your problem.

Check out this link to know the minimum and recommended specifications:
Stop the download and reboot.
If your Xbox, PS4, or PC has already completed the download but FIFA 21 still won’t install, try to refresh the system by stopping the download and rebooting.
Make sure that you turn your PC or console off completely, then unplug it from the power source for 30 seconds. After that, turn it back on and see if installation will now work.
Check EA Sports server status.
Whether you got the game via EA Play in Steam, or via the respective stores of Sony or Microsoft, every game version is required to connect to the same servers if you wish to play online. The same is true when first downloading or installing the game.
The problem is, server issues can sometimes occur that may block you from downloading, installing, or playing.
Be sure to check for any on-going server issues by checking this link:
Verify you are using the correct account.
As mentioned above, your game will not continue to download and the installation will be stopped if you are using the wrong account, or if the account has been logged out for some reason.
If necessary, try signing out and signing back in to ensure that you’re not dealing with a wrong account problem.
Troubleshoot your connection.
If there’s no known server issues at this time but the game still refuses to be installed, the problem may be coming from your own internet connection.

Follow this article for more things to do on your end:
How To Fix FIFA 21 Connection Issues And Errors | NEW 2020!
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