How To Fix Ghost Of Tsushima Freezing, Lagging Or Stuttering | PS4
There are a number of possible reasons why your Ghost Of Tsushima game is freezing or keeps stuttering. There’s no need to worry though as majority of cases that were reported to us were effectively fixed by the gamers themselves. Unless your PS4 has an unknown software or hardware issue, freezing or lagging issue on this game should be solved with ease. Learn what you need to do below.
What are the reasons for Ghost Of Tsushima freezing, lagging or stuttering issues?
New games tend to develop bugs more than mature ones so it’s not surprising if a lot of players are reporting issues with Ghost Of Tsushima in its first week of release. One of the issues that we’ve identified with Ghost of Tsushima so far is about the game lagging or freezing the PS4. Learn what are the possible reasons for these issues below.
Random console or game glitch.
If Ghost Of Tsushima freezes once or twice only, it’s possible that there may be a random glitch with the game or with your PS4. There’s no perfect system and sometimes, performance issues can develop out of the blue depending on the software environment and hardware condition of your console.
Corrupted saved game or data.
If your Ghost Of Tsushima game has been persistently crashing, freezing or lagging and there’s no clear pattern when these issues occur, it’s possible that it may have been caused by corrupted game data.
Hard disk drive issue.
Some PS4 users are reporting that their Ghost Of Tsushima game is becoming unplayable due to constant lagging or stuttering at this time. If you are experiencing this problem, it may not be due to a game issue but rather by a hard drive malfunction.
A bad hard drive usually affects more than one game. If you have other games that are also freezing, it’s time that you should look into the possibility of a hard drive malfunction.
Hardware fault.
Just like any electronic device, your PS4 can suffer from performance issues if the hardware’s condition is bad. If all of the software troubleshooting steps and solutions fail to fix your game freezing issue, you should consider having the PS4 checked.
How to fix Ghost of Tsushima freezing or lagging issues
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Visit our TheDroidGuy Youtube Channel for more troubleshooting videos.