Easy Steps To Get Or Find Steam ID | QUICK & NEW in 2024!

If you’re new to Steam gaming, you may find that getting your Steam ID is not as direct as looking for your username. Steam allows copies of usernames so if your own Steam profile name is not that unique, there may be others that uses the same exact name as you are. 

If you’re wondering how to view your correct profile and give it to a friend or share it with the community, you’ll need to know how to find your Steam ID. Learn how to do that by following this guide.

What is a Steam ID?

A Steam ID is an assigned 17-digit string of numbers to a particular account. This ID is used by Valve to identify a particular account from millions of others in its database. This is important since users can create whatever username they like. For example, a quick search for username like “John Wick” easily turns up about over 25,000 results in Steam.

What is a Steam ID for?

There are two main uses for Steam ID. Check them out below.

Unique identifier.

The first purpose of a Steam ID is of course as a unique identifier. Valve needs to easily track accounts.

Steam Community.

The second need for a Steam ID is for better Steam community engagement. There are a number of interesting things that you can do if you want to immerse yourself deeper into Steam community. 

For instance, you can join discussions or support forums for your favorite games, check out workshops and use community-created mods, buy and trade items, broadcasts your games or watch ones being broadcast. In any of these activities, there may be a need for you to identify a particular account, or for you to allow other people to link to your profile. This is where Steam ID comes handy. If you want to quickly find a player in Steam, using the Steam ID is the key.

There may also be instances when you encounter issues with your games and you may come in contact with Valve. In this case, you can provide your Steam ID so you can get the necessary support or dispute a ban with Valve.

How to find Steam ID?

Estimate Cost : 0

Time Needed : 3 minutes

Finding your Steam ID is easy. All you have to do is to open the Steam launcher or client, go to your profile, and check the browser URL for the profile ID. Follow these steps on what to do:

  1. Open Steam client.<br>

    Steam clientLog in to your Steam account.

  2. Click on <strong>Steam.</strong>

    Steam Settings 1It’s located at the top-left corner of the windows.

  3. Select Settings.

    SettingsThis will bring you to the screen where you can find all the steam settings.

  4. Select Interface.

    Steam InterfaceRelated settings will then be shown.

  5. Make sure that “Display Steam URL address bar when available” box is selected.

    Display steam urlAnd then click OK.

  6. At the top, click on the profile name (beside the word that says COMMUNITY).

    Steam profile nameThis will bring you to your profile page.

  • Steam
  • Windows

Below your name should be the Valve Corp URL that shows your profile and Steam ID. The long 17-digit code is your Steam ID. That’s it!

STeam ID number

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