How To Fix The Ascent Online Co-Op Not Working On PC
The Ascent co op multiplayer not working issue on your computer can be caused by several factors. It can be because of a problem with the game servers on the Steam service, a problem with your ISP’s internet connection, or even a software problem with the game. You must do a number of troubleshooting procedures in order to resolve this ascent online co op mode issue.
Action-shooter RPG The Ascent is a single-player and cooperative game set in a cyberpunk universe. The Ascent Group arcology is a corporate-run city perched high in the sky and populated by animals from all across the cosmos. You play a worker who is owned by the same corporation as everyone else in your region. The Ascent Group abruptly shuts down for unspecified reasons, endangering the life of your district, and all of a sudden you find yourself in the middle of a chain of disastrous events. To discover the cause of everything, you must take up arms and set off on a new expedition.
Ascent co op multiplayer not working fix

One of the problems you could run into when playing The Ascent is being unable to use The Ascent multiplayer or Co Op mode . Being unable to play the game with your friends as a result can be an unpleasant experience.
Fix #1 Check your internet speed
You must make sure that your internet speed is stable before playing The Ascent Co-Op mode. You might be unable to connect to the servers if the connection quality is weak or poor.
Checking Internet speed
Note the results of the ping, download, and upload. Your connection’s quality will be determined by these outcomes.
The ideal ping average is between 10 and 90 milliseconds. Anything higher than this ping will interfere with your Co-Op mode and could result in a problematic Ascent Co Op multiplayer not working.
Try these procedures if you’re having connection issues to see if your networking devices is to blame.
Step 1: Your computer should be turned off.
Step 2: Remove the power cords from your Modem and Router.
Step 3: Reconnect your modem and router to the power supply after a minute and turn on the devices.
Step 4: Wait for the lights to come on again.
Step 5: Turn on your PC and try to play The Ascent multiplayer mode.
Fix #2 Check game servers of The Ascent
Checking The Ascent’s Live server status is the next thing you need to do. This could be the root of the Co-Op multiplayer not working issue if there is an outage or if maintenance is being done. If there is an ongoing problem, you can check with Steam using this link You can also check their official twitter account for any issues that they are aware the game creators will announce.
Fix #3 Check Windows Firewall
One of the main causes of The Ascent Co-Op multiplayer not working is because of the Windows Defender firewall might be blocking the incoming and outgoing connections of the game. You should check your firewall settings and make sure that the game is allowed to pass and to communicate with the game server to prevent Ascent Co-Op not working issues.
Adding as an Exception through Windows Firewall exceptions
Step 1: Type Windows Firewall in the search bar on your desktop and then click the icon that appears in the results.
Step 2: Choose Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
Step 3: Scroll down until you find the game, then check all boxes.
Step 4: Click the OK button.
Fix #4 Check for game updates
Make sure The Ascent game is up to date with the most recent patch version to before you play online to ensure that the game is functioning properly and avoid The Ascent Co-Op multiplayer not working.