Solved Samsung Galaxy J3 Battery Temperature Too Hot Error
The #Samsung #Galaxy #J3 is s budget friendly Android smartphone that is a popular choice among the cost conscious consumer. The 2017 version of this device uses a 5 inch PLS touchscreen which is quite decent in reproducing colors. The phone uses the Exynos 7570 quad core processor which when combined with its 2GB of RAM allows the device to operate smoothly. Although this is a solid performing phone there are instances when certain issues can occur which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will tackle the Galaxy J3 battery temperature too hot error and other related problems.
If you own a Samsung Galaxy J3 or any other Android device for that matter then feel free to contact us using this form. We will be more than happy to assist you with any concern that you may have with your device. This is a free service we are offering with no strings attached. We however ask that when you do contact us try to be as detailed as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made and the correct solution can be given.
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J3 Battery Temperature Too Hot Error
Problem: I have a Samsung Galaxy J3. SM-S320VL I am not sure if this is the software version, but all I could get before the phone shuts down the settings was Android 6.0.1. Today it started powering off giving me the message that the Battery temperature was too hot. It will pause the charging, then it will close all of the apps on the phone, then it will power itself off. The phone has not been dropped or wet or in a hot place. It just started giving me this error and shutting off. the battery is never hot, but the spot right under the camera does get warm. I can not even back the phone up to do a reset because it closes everything and shuts down. Please Help.
Solution: The first thing that you need to do in this case is to let the phone cool of first if it is warm to the touch. Leave the phone off first for a couple of minutes then once it is cool try starting the phone in Safe Mode. If the issue does not occur in this mode then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what app this is and uninstall it. In case you still get the same error message in this mode then you will need to do a factory reset in recovery mode. Since this will erase your phone data make sure to make a backup copy before proceeding with this step.
In case the above steps fails to fix the problem then this is most likely caused by a faulty hardware component already. The best thing you will need to do right now is to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.
J3 Turns Off Randomly Not Turning Back On
Problem: Hi, I have a J3 and the phone has been fine for a year. I have charged it today with a different charger to one that I normally use (this one, was a non Samsung charger) and now the phone has turned off during use and won’t turn back on again. I have tried to plug in the approved charger but nothing happens, I have tried to reset it, but it gets to the Samsung screen and then appears to turn off. How can I rectify this.
Solution: The best thing you can do right now is to clean the charging port of the phone using a can of compressed air then charge the phone for at least 20 minutes using a wall charger. In case the phone does not charge then try using a different charging cord and wall charger. You can also try charging the phone from a computer USB port. Turn on the phone by doing a soft reset. This is done by pressing and holding both power and volume down buttons for at least 10 seconds. In case the issue still persists then this could already be caused by a faulty hardware component in which case you will need to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.
J3 Randomly Turns Off
Problem: I am a senior citizen. I use my J3 only when I travel which is not that often. This time my phone keeps turning itself off whenever I take a break. It won’t start unless I use a soft reset. I hold the power button and down volume for 10 seconds. A message pops up warning about a full reset which takes effect if I hold volume up or I can hold volume down to restart. I push volume down. It keeps turning off when I take a break. I don’t know what android version I have.
Solution: The first thing that you need to do in this case is to check if the problem is caused by an app you downloaded to the phone by starting the device in Safe Mode. If the issue does not occur in this mode then it could be caused by an app you downloaded. Find out what pp this is and uninstall it.
In case the issue still occurs even in Safe Mode then you will have to remove the microSD card ( if you have one installed) then backup your phone data. Once the backup has finished perform a factory reset. After the reset do not install any apps in your phone just yet. Try to check first if the issue still occurs. If it does then this is most likely caused by a faulty hardware component. The best thing to do right now is to bring the phone to a service center and have it checked.